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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. why did you use this complicated way? and btw you can store the TargetBlockState list in a static final field (requires a Supplier, since the Blocks are not registered yet when the class is load)
  2. Use the full path of the java executable (java.exe) of java 17 instead of the java keyword in the .bat file. Note you need to put the path into quotes
  3. Which Modpack did you use? Please make sure this is not a feature of the Modpack and the Iron ore is no disabled by a config. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  4. This error is often indicative of the wrong java version. Make sure you start the server with java 17 which is required by 1.18
  5. This error is often indicative of an outdated Java version. Please ensure your Java version is up to date. You can download OpenJDK from the Adoptium project. If the error persists after updating your Java version, please post the updated installer log as well as the contents of %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows) or /etc/hosts (Mac, Linux)
  6. If you are talking about the parameters in vanilla classes, this will not work. Forge use decompiled vanilla code which was obfuscated by mojang, all parameter, field, method and class names have some wierd names like A.a or HB.c. Forge is be able to load the original field, method and class names from the decompiled code, if i remember correctly the parameter names are not complied means Forge can not load them. if you wish parameter names and javadocs you can take a look at: https://github.com/ParchmentMC/Parchment/wiki
  7. i'm not sure but i think you need use the .bat file on the server host, since .sh file is mac only If this does not work talk to your server host
  8. This is nothing which related to Forge, Optifine is not part of Forge. Forge has had breaking changes in the last few versions, so I suspect Optifine is waiting for the recommended build of Forge before releasing more compatible versions.
  9. Keep this Forum in English please please post debug.log from the logs folder
  10. There is no compatible Optifine version for Forge 41.0.110.
  11. The file(s) got corrupted, there are many reasons why this could happened. This usually happens when your OS crashed or was not properly shut down
  12. Keep the forum in English please please post debug.log from the logs folder
  13. they're not. the reason why the class was removed is there are the vanilla constas which should be used instead the replacements are Block.UPDATE_CLIENTS or Block.UPDATE_ALL
  14. create before the loops a new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos, and before you remove the Block you move the BlockPos.MutableBlockPos via BlockPos.MutableBlockPos#move to it's new Position i would recommend you to take a look at the usage of for loops and how to use the "index value" of the for loop
  15. you removing 10*10*10 Blocks each click, this are 1000 Blocks i think this is a performance issue, you can use a BlockPos.MutableBlockPos instead of evertime a new BlockPos Do you know basic java, usage of the for loop?
  16. i think you forgot the !, since removing Blocks is always done on server
  17. after a bit search through the vanilla code i found this in the StatsScreen this.minecraft.getConnection().send(new ServerboundClientCommandPacket(ServerboundClientCommandPacket.Action.REQUEST_STATS)); this means you don't need a custom Network packet you need to send the ServerboundClientCommandPacket with action REQUEST_STATS to the server you then be able to get the Stats from LocalPlayer#getStats which you can get from Minecraft#player
  18. you can use https://gist.github.com/ for large text files
  19. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/SimpleChannel the method ServerPlayer#getStats exists, show how you tried to use the method Note that basic java is required for modding Minecraft
  20. Legendary Tooltips needs to update to the recent breaking changes of Forge. Check if there are updated versions.
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