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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. If you run the installer, the installer log will be generate next to it (same folder). Please post this file, it is existential to help you.
  2. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  3. Create the BiomeModifier json how it's description in the Doc i linked above, then update your Git repo and the logs.
  4. You can try OptiFine HD U H9 pre4, but the version is not compatible with Forge 41.1.0. So this could lead problems.
  5. Problem with Advanced Compass. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, report this bug to the Mod author.
  6. Remove Rubidium from the server, it's a badly coded client side Mod. I also would recommend to not use magic performance Mods like Rubidium. Since the mostly increase the performance due breaking game mechanics, which could lead problem with other Mods.
  7. I would recommend you to take a look at this Doc, it's official from Forge and it explains how you create a valid BiomeModifier. If you don't want to create your own you can take a look at the Builtin Modifier Types
  8. if this is your path to java 17 the run.bat file should look like this: // here should be the "@echo off" line and the "REM" lines "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.4\bin\java.exe" @user_jvm_args.txt @libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.19-41.0.61/win_args.txt %* pause
  9. your BiomeModifier json file is invalid, how did you create this BiomeModifier json file? Do you register a BiomeModifier Codec somewhere?
  10. Then you do not start the server with java 17. Replace the java keyword in the run.bat file with the full path of the java 17 executable (java.exe). If the path contains a space you need to put it into quotes.
  11. What's this issue? Post debug.log from server, if there is no debug.log run the server from the command line and post full output. This is the only info i get from the log, are you sure the Mod versions from server and client match?
  12. Correct, it's also useful to include your mod is into the property
  13. Are you sure it is the full debug.log from the logs folder, since the log does not contains any error which cause the game to crash. If this is the full debug.log please post launcher_log.txt as well.
  14. You need to register the blocking ItemProperty for your custom ShieldItem in FMLClientSetupEvent in enqueueWork, you can take a look at the ItemProperties class to use the vanilla blocking ItemProperty as an example. Do you have a json model for your Shield or do you want to use the vanilla Model or a custom Model (Java)?
  15. I'm not be able to reproduce your problem, this code works fine in Singleplayer and on Server. The Logger debug statements are correctly printed on console Please post the full class of your Item. @Override public InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack> use(Level level, Player player, InteractionHand hand) { if (player instanceof ServerPlayer serverPlayer) { LogUtils.getLogger().debug("ServerPlayer"); serverPlayer.connection.teleport(serverPlayer.getX(), 100, serverPlayer.getZ(), 0.0F, 0.0F); } if (!level.isClientSide) { LogUtils.getLogger().debug("!isClientSide"); } return super.use(level, player, hand); }
  16. You haven't registered the default state of the Block, take a look at the DoublePlantBlock constructor how it should be done Note you need to register there all BlockStateProperties (you add to the StateDefinition) with the default value
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