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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Then everything should work fine. Edit: Did you check this in Singleplayer or and server?
  2. Use a lambda expression and create a new Supplier, for the vanilla MobEffects.
  3. Are you sure it is the full debug.log from the logs folder, since the log does not contains any error which cause the game to crash. If this is the full debug.log please post launcher_log.txt as well.
  4. Does the code of the handle method work, is there a closestEntity?
  5. you need: a BlockStateProperty like the vanilla one which is used in DoublePlantBlock (BlockStateProperties#DOUBLE_BLOCK_HALF) to distinguish the first part of the Block from the second part to override #getStateForPlacement in your Block class and return super if the Block is placeable at the given BlockPos else null, the check depends on the direction where the other Block should be placed, in general you can check if the position is not out of world and if the Block at the position is air to override #setPlacedBy in your Block class and place the other Block to override #canSurvive in your Block class and return true if the other Block exists to drop the Block loot manually if you don't want that the Block loot is dropped twice
  6. when the PathNavigation#isDone returns false in the corner you can try something like this: if (!this.horse.getNavigation().isDone()) { this.horse.getNavigation().moveTo(this.path, 1.5); } else { this.path = // create a new path } you also could try this, if the Path does not work correctly:
  7. No the game starts normal but if a code part with a breakpoint is execute the, it will be stopped at this breakpoint (Game freezed). You then can continue and you know the code is called, if you repeat this for the way the Packet is called you can find the code part with the issue. In your case you need to set a breakpoint at: Packet send -> Packet encode -> Packet decode -> Packet handle
  8. Show what you have tried. The BedBlock and the DoorBlock are complicated examples for a double block you should look at the DoublePlantBlock.
  9. Use the debugger of your IDE and set at method start a breakpoint. If your not familiar with the debugger of your IDE, check out the website of your IDE in the most cases there is a doc or a wiki about it.
  10. What happen if you replace in a else statement the current path with a new one?
  11. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. On CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  12. this.horse.getNavigation().moveTo(this.path, 1.5); Is this code in the tick method called, after the Horse is stuck in a corner?
  13. Are the packets sent on client and received on server, is handle called? Use debugger to check.
  14. Maybe this is your issue, try to add only one Goal
  15. are you sure the positions of the Path are correct and you could use debugger to check how the goal is handled/called Edit: try to place the Horse at a different spot
  16. Run a client (via runClient) join the server with ip localhost and port 25565
  17. ignore my first post, i think you forgot the ! there?
  18. Do not add this goal each tick, once is enough Calculate the positions (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) then call PathNavigation#moveTo for the first position, wait until the horse has reached the position then continue with the same logic for the next position and repeat this step until you at the last position
  19. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/094200e687135df77096341e3d56860d96d08384/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/event/ScreenEvent.java#L726-L734 https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/094200e687135df77096341e3d56860d96d08384/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/event/ScreenEvent.java#L740-L750
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