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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. you can take a look a the PlaceCommand
  2. Are you sure the Optifine version you are using is compatible with Forge?
  3. please post debug.log from the logs folder
  4. Then you can not have the same issue, ples post debug.log from the logs folder
  5. Forge 1.19 has breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge.
  6. Forge 1.19 has breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge.
  7. this was not the issue, the EventHandler was not correctly registered, see:
  8. please post debug.log from the logs folder
  9. you can try to downgrade Forge to version 41.0.63, but it could be that some of your Mods already have updated, these then require a later version of Forge
  10. not sure where you got this file from but this is not the installer log, the installer log will be generated next to installer when you run it
  11. Forge has had breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge.
  12. please post debug.log Edit: because of the error you describe, i would guess at leats one of your Mods has not updated to the latest changes of Forge
  13. these are files inside the logs folder of your game directory, the helpful log would be the debug.log
  14. you need to override #getFlammability and #getFireSpreadSpeed in your Block class, the vanilla default values are 5 for the fire spread speed and 20 for the flammability
  15. which version of minecraft did you use, since PlayerEntity is not a mojang mapping
  16. as D7 already told you, please post logs
  17. it work yes, but it's not the way to go if there is a Forge replacement you should always use it
  18. please show the constructors of this class null is in this case not the solution
  19. Oculus is a badly coded client side Mod, remove it from the server
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