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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Could you please provide more information, what kind of variable are you talking about, what should be added?
  2. Show more of your code and provide a screenshot of the button in game
  3. Try to put the texture into entity/chest and use 'rhylyamod:ice_chest' as ResourceLocation for the Material
  4. Have you tried to use the code from the line render methods of GuiComponent and modify it because fill draws a rectangle on the screen?
  5. AeroBlender requires a more recent version of TerraBlender
  6. Duplicated thread. I already told what you have to do in this thread:
  7. RecipeManager#getRecipeFor uses OreRefineryRecipe#matches to enure the items in the container are valid for the given SimpleContainer are you sure the implemention is correct since you have a NonNullList as input but you only use the first item of the list?
  8. The replacement for ForgeIngameGui is IGuiOverlay the replacement of OverlayRegistry is now RegisterGuiOverlaysEvent.
  9. There should already be methods for drawing a line in GuiComponent. Note that they are separated into vertical and horizontal lines.
  10. I don't currently have a mod in 1.16.5 but I would say due to the error the ItemGroup.MATERIALS no longer exists, use your IDE to check this. In addition you can take a look at the Items class for vanilla examples, you should then be able to fix the error.
  11. It is recommended to use translation files, but if Vanilla does not find a translation for the specified key, the raw text will be displayed
  12. Did you have tried anything? It's Vanilla's implementation of a 3-demotional area, use your ide to take a look at the class
  13. The log you post does not conatins any error which causes the game to crash. Make sure the log you post is the full debug.log, if it's not try to upload the log on GitGist: https://gist.github.com/
  14. If i remember correctly the category is just a translation key, you must not register the category somewhere else
  15. I am not familiar with GeckLib at all, I would recommend to checkout the documentation.
  16. Then you have to search for a player and a beacon in a certain area, you can use an AABB and a BlockPos.Mutable for Blocks. The level has methods to get entities under certain conditions, e.g. getEntities or something like that.
  17. Have you only installed Better Ore Generation? If so, this mod is causing the problem in this case ensure you have the latest version of the mod installed. If this is also the case report this issue to the Mod author.
  18. Did you looked at CurseForge?
  19. As Finn already told you the Mod is made by Mcreator its a mode maker for Minecraft (which is not recommend to use). It looks like there is a 1000/3 chance that the structure is generated in a chunk. I would recommend removing the mod and replacing it with a similar mod from Curseforge.
  20. Create a new class that extends the LayerRenderer, implement the render method and render whatever you want there (use the vanilla layers as an example). Then you need to subscribe to the EntityRenderersEvent.AddLayers and add the your custom LayerRenderer to the EntityRenderer.
  21. Is the pet your own custom Entity or are you talkting about a vanilla Entity?
  22. Direktly in Modder Support Have you used debugger to check your code? At first look the code should work, is a recipe found in the tick method?
  23. You can add a LayerRenderer to the Entity in EntityRenderersEvent.AddLayers. There are many vanilla LayerRenderers you can use as an example, use your IDE to find them.
  24. Can you explain the conditions under which an effect should be added to the player? But the TickEvent.Player should be a good point to start.
  25. You have to rotate the BlockState you want to place and not the BlockPos.
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