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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. this is no longer necessary since DeferredRegister does this for you what did you mean by that? why did you use that? if you use DeferredRegister you only need to register the DeferredRegister in the constructor of you main mod class
  2. the latest version of java 8 is 322 you use 51 which is 7 year old
  3. you should use DeferredRegister to register all registry entries, the setRegistryName is no longer necessary since DeferredRegister does this for you see: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Registration#DeferredRegister
  4. are you talking about a client side Screen or a server side Menu?
  5. your java installation is ancient, update to a modern version
  6. Forge has had breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge.
  7. As far as i can see only Twilight Forest is crashing. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, remove the Mod until the Mod has updated.
  8. Forge has had breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge.
  9. what exactly does the loot modifier do? please show your code
  10. Forge has had breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge.
  11. Keep this Forums in english please Some zip managers like to take control of the .jar file extension away from Java. Make sure you have Java installed and try running Jarfix once, then try the installer again.
  12. Looks like a compatibility issue between Supplementaries and Create. Make sure the versions of Supplementaries and Create are compatible.
  13. the method does no longer exists, as i already told you: In your case it is Patchouli, make sure you use the latest version of the Mod. If you use the latest version you need to remove the Mod and wait for updates.
  14. Forge has had breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge.
  15. Are you sure you use net.minecraft.tags.TagKey? If yes your code should work Could you compile it, maybe it's an issue with your IDE?
  16. please post the exact error message you get
  17. It could be that some process blocks the port restart your PC then try again, you can also try another port
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