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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Forge 41.0.64 had breaking changes in a lot of areas. Mods need to update. Check for updated versions for your mods or downgrade Forge.
  2. Forge 41.0.64 had breaking changes in a lot of areas. Mods need to update. Check for updated versions for your mods or downgrade Forge.
  3. Problem with Smooth Chunks. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, report this bug to the Mod auth
  4. AbstractMinecart#getDropItem is for some reason package private you need to use a AT to make it protected (Note you can not make it public this will crash the vanilla implementations) Edit: this is the AT protected net.minecraft.world.entity.vehicle.AbstractMinecart m_213728_()Lnet/minecraft/world/item/Item; # getDropItem
  5. you need to use the MOD bus, since RegisterKeyMappingsEvent is a instance of IModBusEvent
  6. You need your add your painting variant to the "minecraft:placeable" tag if you don't know what tags are you should take a look at this article
  7. Forge 41.0.64 had breaking changes in a lot of areas. Mods need to update. Check for updated versions for your mods or downgrade Forge.
  8. please post the command you are using and the related console output
  9. Forge 41.0.64 had breaking changes in a lot of areas. Mods need to update. Check for updated versions for your mods or downgrade Forge.
  10. Forge 41.0.64 had breaking changes in a lot of areas. Mods need to update. Check for updated versions for your mods or downgrade Forge.
  11. Looks like a problem with AppleSkin. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, report this bug to the Mod author.
  12. you need a custom network packet (see: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/SimpleChannel) which you send with the necessary data to the server, on the server you can then perform the action you want
  13. minecraft use decimal color values, you can use a Website like: https://www.mathsisfun.com/hexadecimal-decimal-colors.html to get the color value Note you need the decima value
  14. Are you sure it is the full debug.log from the logs folder, since the log does not contains any error which cause the game to crash. If this is the full debug.log please post launcher_log.txt as well
  15. you sending the Packet from client to sever, this means you can not do this in your handle method Player player = (Player) Minecraft.getInstance().getCameraEntity(); you should use the player from the Context (Context#getSender) why did you return a boolean from the handle method?
  16. yes that should work i would recommend you to set a CreativeModeTab but this is optional
  17. There are a few breaking changes in the the client render system the most Mods are broken in version 41.0.64 downgrade to 41.0.63 until the Mods have fix the issue
  18. render it on the Screen using a IIngameOverlay, you can draw the timer using Font#draw, (Edit) would be one option you could choose
  19. Not only the EAQ of Support & Bug Reports, the Common issues and recommendations of Modder Support is also completely outdated (use still MCP names, recommends things that are no longer exists .... RegistryEvent)
  20. this is completely wrong you need to do it like you done it with Blocks, create a DeferredRegister for Items then call DeferredRegister#register inside the supplier you need to create a new instance of StandingAndWallBlockItem
  21. https://imgur.com/Z2obxrU the reference was removed a few days ago
  22. this is the launcher log, please post debug.log from the logs folder, if you using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings
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