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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Look at the javadoc. Its super blatantly obvious what you should do.
  2. The weight, by the way on that 1-of-3 thing, doesn't have to sum to 100. Its not a percentage, its a weight. https://www.rubyguides.com/2016/05/weighted-random-numbers/ Not sure why the silk touch isn't working
  3. MacOS creates files you don't want. Search the forum for .DS_Store:sounds.json and you'll find plenty of threads about it.
  4. 👍 Sure, I was just saying that because the builtin was being bad, that gave me something to work with to try and write the function myself. A starting point as it were. Success! Calculating the angle myself (ok, I used a builtin) based on the object's position and the camera's position (with the same height to avoid some oddities with things being directly ahead/behind) works perfectly.
  5. This actually helps me on a completely unrelated project. The (builtin) WorldToScreen method I have doesn't (seem to) generate useful values when the position isn't inside the view frustum (so something that was off-screen-leftish would show a direction of off-screen-upish).
  6. Then you shouldn't need to do a whole lot of anything to register a new recipe type and point it at a subclass of the Furnace or Smelter classes. I'm not even sure you'd need a subclass, I haven't messed with it.
  7. Why wouldn't they be? If you have two inputs, you may not be able to. But you need to look at the FurnaceRecipe and AbstractFurnaceRecipe class it extends, as well as portions of the rest of the class hierarchy. Exactly what you're doing is going to be important.
  8. So.... go open the class definition for the class you're trying to instantiate.
  9. If you want to use Bukkit, use Bukkit (or whatever the current name for that project is). If you want to use Forge, use Forge. They are not cross compatible and ForgeBukkit is basically dead.
  10. Yeah, I wrote that code before I learned about the DWQ and haven't gotten back around to fixing that.
  11. The events no longer exist. You need to remove the feature from the biome. You can see how I did that for ores here: https://github.com/Draco18s/ReasonableRealism/blob/1.14.4/src/main/java/com/draco18s/harderores/HarderOres.java#L206 (Most of it is a disgusting mess because of the specifics of ore features, but should give you something to start with).
  12. Sets are like arrays and lists, except they don't have an order, don't allow duplicates, and have no "positional" notation. http://net-informations.com/java/cjava/list.htm I'm not sure how you missed that when learning programming, as the comparison between a shopping list and a grab bag should have been made at some point.
  13. You need to attach a Capability to the entity in question to hold the data about that entity (eg. starting time) and then create a LivingUpdateEvent handler to count ticks.
  14. 1.12 is no longer supported.
  15. Note that 1.16 does not have an MCP snapshot, due to ongoing development of a new deobfuscation scheme called MSSS. MSSS is not ready yet and so you're going to run into more cases of functions having SRG names ("func_12345_a" and the like)
  16. Post your log file. Its not so much that your block isn't generating correctly, but that there's an error with its blockstate or model or texture.
  17. Because you told it to use the default state (NORTH) and haven't told it to base its directionality based on the player's facing. Go look at the FurnaceBlock.
  18. Blocks do not play nice when they are larger than 1x1x1. Use multiple blocks and models.
  19. Of course you can't override static methods, as Block.SomeFunc is always going to be part of the Block class
  20. It means you're not actually overriding a method. i.e. the signature (name, parameters, return type) don't match a method in the parent class.
  21. You can also select a type already present in your code and hit F4. Which will open the type hierarchy window, focused on the type you selected. You can then go up to the root class, Event, right click and "Focus On..." which will show the Event class and all sublcasses.
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