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Everything posted by cpw

  1. Was a forgemodloader-client-0.log file generated? If not, you didn't install forge correctly..
  2. Try the latest forge. I had a small headless deep...
  3. To remotely open a GUI (from a block in the world, for example) you need to be an @networkmod
  4. @mod.instance is scoped to the entire package. If you specify a value (see the build craft sources for an example) of a modified then you can have lots of @mod.instance and lots of @mod in a package...
  5. Get the latest forge. This should not crash this way anymore...
  6. Have you tried updating to the latest forge/FML this should be fixed...
  7. Should be fixed with latest forge. I force the encoding to UTF 8
  8. Because it has a high likelihood of choosing 'local host' as default which is absolutely guaranteed to be useless...
  9. Yes, if you can indicate the launcher that is not working we can work with the author of that launcher and get it compatible...
  10. This is an absurdly vague claim. Please quantify. Lag how? Does your fps drop? Do you get block lag, input lag? Please be specific.. do you have any mods installed at all?
  11. Fixed in recent FML/forge. Try the latest...
  12. Try the most recent forge. Also, can you try FML standalone? Also are you using a launcher?
  13. Update to the latest forge, also, don't bump.
  14. Also try the latest forge. It *may* be fixed there. No guarantees though. But even if not visibly fixed you should be able to connect using the port and hamachi IP now..
  15. The client has to extend the other, or the field has to be a shared supertype such as an interface. The sided proxy pretty much enforces this. The practice that has developed, and its a good one is to have the server as a "super" and client as a "sub"..
  16. There is a new FML that will tell you if your version bounds are actually acceptable to yourself. I don't believe yours are. This behaviour (checking versions) was recently fixed.. make sure versionrange actually accepts your mod version.
  17. Just because it's in the mods dir does not mean it gets loaded.. What library are you looking to add?
  18. you know that you need a clientPacketHandlerSpec if you're using a sided packet handler to receive packets on the *client* side, yes? It was broken in 204 and works in 232+. Also, your channel name is too long. 16 chars is the max. Review Packet250 if you don't believe me.
  19. Update. you have an ancient forge
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