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Everything posted by warjort

  1. You could also ask Oracle since that is the java you are using. But they would likely say it is a windows problem?
  2. at java.nio.file.Files.createTempFile(Unknown Source) at javax.imageio.stream.FileCacheImageInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source) at com.sun.imageio.spi.InputStreamImageInputStreamSpi.createInputStreamInstance(Unknown Source) The temporary file it is trying to create is one used by java, not something created directly by the installer. From the name it looks to be something to do with "image caching". This link has some instructions on how to change your temporary folder: https://www.howtogeek.com/285710/how-to-move-windows-temporary-folders-to-another-drive/ But that is quite old, you might be able to find more up-to-date instructions somewhere else? You can always contact Microsoft support. It is very possible that the error is actually caused by some other problem with windows.
  3. Looks like there is something wrong with your temporary folder configuration in your user's windows environment variables? It is trying to use "D:\Program Files (x86)" as your temporary directory, which is wrong. It obviously fails because you don't have the rights to create files there.
  4. If you look at Player.aiStep() you will see that the speed is reset to the MOVEMENT_SPEED attribute every tick. An example of modifying that attribute is LivingEntity.tryAddFrost()
  5. You have 3 separate errors. * You are trying to use "roughly enough resources" which is an addon for "roughly enough items" that you don't have. But you are using "just enough items" so you can't add that mod, you should remove "roughly enough resources". * You have an old alpha version of ironfurnaces that is not compatible with 1.19, I don't see any version of this mod compatible with 1.19 on curseforge? Contact the mod author. * You have an issue with large ore deposits / forgeendertech, check you have the correct/latest versions then contact the mod author(s)
  6. Download this version, see the changelog: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-twilight-forest/files/3901400 If that doesn't fix it, contact the mod author.
  7. P.S. You need to fix your build so that others can build without that api properties file. I had to comment out a large part of your build.gradle to be able to reproduce this problem.
  8. I know what the problem is, but I don't know enough about ForgeGradle or vscode to tell you why it is happening. Your launcher.json is getting generated with an empty MOD_CLASSES "env": { "MOD_CLASSES": "", "MCP_MAPPINGS": "official_1.18.2" } When I generate the eclipse runs, I get the same problem <mapAttribute key="org.eclipse.debug.core.environmentVariables"> <mapEntry key="MOD_CLASSES" value=""/> <mapEntry key="MCP_MAPPINGS" value="official_1.18.2"/> </mapAttribute> However, the intellij runs work <envs> <env name="MOD_CLASSES" value="soulfired%%$PROJECT_DIR$\build\resources\main;soulfired%%$PROJECT_DIR$\build\classes\java\main"/> <env name="MCP_MAPPINGS" value="official_1.18.2"/> </envs> I would suggest you report this a bug here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/issues When I fix that field manually to use the comparable setup as intellij, it works fine "MOD_CLASSES": "${workspaceFolder}\\build\\resources\\main;${workspaceFolder}\\build\\classes\\java\\main",
  9. This latest one (released yesterday) says it supports 1.19, 1.19.1 and 1.19.2: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wthit-forge/files/3944308
  10. Just make sure you have the latest/correct version of wthit for your version of minecraft. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wthit-forge/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986%3a73407 If that doesn't fix it, contact the mod author. It's already 10 posts into this question and all there is guesswork because the original poster didn't post the full error message or the logs.
  11. At least I think that is correct? You have seem to have changed the curseforge location so it has curseforge/instances/instances which is a bit confusing/non-standard. ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. You have logs above that show it was previously launched. ๐Ÿ™‚ Since you use curseforge, it will be in /D:/curseforge/Instances/Install/launcher_log.txt it is the one created by the vanilla launcher that curseforge uses to launch the game.
  13. There's some pretty bad habits in that code. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I don't think it works properly? * You shouldn't just setTag() - this will wipe out other important info already in the item stack created by getDefaultInstance(). You should modify only the part you are interested in. * You should use symbolic constants to make the code more readable. It also helps to trap when future changes by Mojang will affect your code. * The block state values are stored as Strings - in general you should use the property to generate the serialized value - getName(T) var lightStack = Items.LIGHT.getDefaultInstance(); var blockStateTag = lightStack.getOrCreateTagElement(BlockItem.BLOCK_STATE_TAG); blockStateTag.putString(BlockStateProperties.LEVEL.getName(), BlockStateProperties.LEVEL.getName(8)); // putString("level", "8")
  14. Uppercase characters are not allowed in resource locations or the file names they point to. You will find an error in your run/logs/debug.log that tells you the same.
  15. Download the 1.19.2 version of journeymap. The 1.19 version will not work with 1.19.2 https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/journeymap/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986%3a73407
  16. Waila is a very old mod that is no longer maintained, you should use one of its modern forks like wthit or jade
  17. Then just override fillItemList() for your CreativeModeTab.
  18. It should not be there, re-read what I wrote above. For your new configuration: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/declaring_repositories.html#sub:flat_dir_resolver There is also an example in the same mdk file I posted before: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/b5d585555964b6149707514454ec3202a69cb66f/mdk/build.gradle#L122
  19. No you aren't, you spent maximum 25 minutes thinking about/researching it. I would guess it was probably a lot less. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, look at something like Panda.afterSneeze() It uses the body rotation (instead of the view rotation) fields, which might be what you actually want? Otherwise you will have to use the view rotation fields from the entity instead.
  20. Although since you are probably using a BlockItem? You should override the fillItemCategory() on your Block.
  21. If I understand your question correctly, override fillItemCategory() for your Item to add ItemStack(s) that do what you want.
  22. Entity.getViewVector() tells you the direction it is looking. Entity.getPosition() or Entity.getEyePosition() tells you where they are. Then its just vector arithmetic.
  23. It's difficult to say since you only post source snippets without context. Whether your configuration is correct (e.g. typos or files in the wrong place in the filesystem), only you will know since you don't show what it really is, including you modifying it before posting. Passing null as the player (first parameter) is intended for broadcasting to all players in range of the sound, it only works on the server. On the client you need to pass in the player and it must match Minecraft.getInstance().player otherwise the sound won't play. As a test, try replacing your sound with a vanilla one, e.g. SoundEvents.ARROW_SHOOT If that works, you know the problem is with your sound config or the sound itself. If it doesn't work, you know the problem is with the logic/parameters of the method call. Debuggers are your friend. ๐Ÿ™‚ Finally, whenever you have something that is not working as expected look at your run/logs/debug.log and look for errors/warnings. You should post a link to it here as well if you don't understand what it is telling you, or maybe we can spot something you didn't notice.
  24. https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/6974
  25. Looks like an issue with blue_skies Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
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