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Everything posted by warjort

  1. That version of create wants a later version of forge.
  2. You need to ask exaroton how you can look at the console for the server so you can see the error. You could also install the server on your PC and start it from the command line.
  3. Looks like some issue with a create water wheel. The issue appears to happen when repurposed structures is generating a structure? Check you have the latest versions then contact the mod authors.
  4. No. Those errors are directly followed by warnings which means the mod handled the error. What you want is the error that a mod didn't handle (and in this case didn't even add to the log). That will be on the console where you started the server. e.g. if you started the server from the command line it will be there.
  5. ItemCraftedEvent is not meant to modify the item. It is just a notification telling you something happened. Forge lets you add an "nbt" element to the item result in the json file - it's not something I have personally ever used. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/42115d37d6a46856e3dc914b54a1ce6d33b9872a/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/crafting/CraftingHelper.java#L181 Or the way Mojang do it is to use a custom recipe and override assemble() e.g. see FireworkRocketRecipe https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Custom_Recipes You can find many other threads about the latter in this forum.
  6. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/#comment-415820
  7. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/#comment-415820
  8. Some conflict between supplementaries and quark. Check you have the latest versions then contact the mod authors.
  9. You need to post your logs/debug.log so we have all the information. e.g. maybe it is inside another mod? https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/123781-server-startup-error-not-sure-what-im-looking-at/?do=findComment&comment=537687
  10. That doesn't show you starting you forge. You need to post that log from directly after the crash. If you restart the launcher it will clear the log.
  11. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/123806-i-need-help-i-cant-load-up-minecraft-due-to-some-sort-of-hat-problem/?do=findComment&comment=537778
  12. There is no error in that log. The console probably has the error. The last thing in the log is so I would guess this is probably crashing the game without logging the error? You don't want or need Optifine (a client side mod) on the server.
  13. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.19.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/entity/living/LivingHurtEvent.java Then apply whatever logic you like. e.g. check the entity is a player, the damage source is DamageSources.fall() and the item is in the inventory then cancel the event.
  14. That logs shows the other player joined the game. But then there is a timeout which means they have stopped sending packets to you (including the "keep alive" ping) for 30 seconds So I would guess the issue on their side?
  15. The original poster still needs the correct order to handle the block properties getting copied from the original block.
  16. Use java 17
  17. See my footer for how to find it.
  18. That is not the logs/debug.log It shows the same thing. It says you have create installed: but it cannot find the create classes. It also shows you have flywheel installed separately which AFAIK is included with create from 0.5.1? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/create Otherwise, I have no idea why it can't find those classes. Maybe ask the create mod authors or one of the mods that is failing to load? Guess: You have a mod that is not compatible with the version of create you are using and it has a mixin for one of the main create classes. Since it is for the wrong version it is breaking that class which breaks all the others. But I don't see any evidence of such an error in the log, beyond it not being able to load the classes. So check all the create extension mods you have actually say they are compatible with 0.5.1.a
  19. That log has a warning that says network is "unreachable"? Which is a very generic network error message. But it is not the main network listener. It is the thing the server broadcasts showing the "message of the day", number of users, etc. For the server login page. That does suggest there is something (unknown) broken about your network configuration, e.g. firewall, antivirus, router configuration, etc. There is a warning from optifine directly after that, but I doubt it is related? Finally, what you are posting is not the logs/debug.log so we can't see all the information. And you don't show the other players log either. If you post the logs/debug.log after adding the following to the "java arguments" in your launcher it might show more information? -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug That will show Mojang's network logging in the logs/debug.log It is turned off by default.
  20. That log is for the essentials mod. You need to ask them for support. They replace the networking mechanism. The only thing I can see mod related is: Which might be caused by another mod breaking a villager? But it is also only a warning.
  21. The logs/debug.log might have more information?
  22. * Please don't post logs in the forums, use a file sharing site * That's not the logs/debug.log The log you have posted does not contain an error If it really is the full log and not just truncated by the forums, post a link to your launcher_log.txt
  23. Please don't post logs in the forum. You have a lot of errors saying things can't find create, but I see it in your mod list. The logs/debug.log might have more information about the real problem? Post it to a file sharing site.
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