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Everything posted by warjort

  1. https://github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/Apotheosis/blob/df983100d374abb0d7ce9cddd82fd78303758ac6/src/main/java/shadows/apotheosis/village/VillageModuleClient.java#L19 This is not the correct way to register entity renderers which is: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/547ce9cb7c63d89462f5d3b44495c457ec72dccb/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/event/EntityRenderersEvent.java#L55
  2. Apotheosis "MiningArrow" entity is not registered properly for some reason. Check you have the latest version the contact the mod author.
  3. There is no error in that and its also not the logs/debug.log If that really is the full log, post the launcher_log.txt from directly after the crash. Also, are you sure these mods for 1.19.3 are actually compatible with 1.19.2?
  4. Post a screenshot of the file in your mods folder and make sure you have "file name extensions" enabled if you are using windows explorer. The mod must end with .jar to be loaded by forge. Also post a link to the logs/debug.log on a file sharing site.
  5. I don't know much about forcedPose() but... If you want to set the pose so that everybody sees it, then as was said above you need to do it on the server. That should take care of broadcasting the new pose to everybody in range of the player you changed. But that won't do much for the actual player you changed. The server doesn't usually "control" players. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/119553-1192-solved-cannot-get-passengers-of-an-entity-when-there-are-multiple-instances-of-the-entity-in-the-world/#comment-524427 So you will also need to force the pose on the client for that player you changed, otherwise player.updatePlayerPose() will just reset/recalculate it on the next client tick. When other players are looking at a player they use a RemotePlayer which overrides that method to do nothing. So their view of the pose shouldn't get recalculated on their clients.
  6. Looks like you have something seriously messed up. It is repeatedly crashing over and over again when trying to produce a crash report. Unless this is caused by a mod doing weird things, I would guess there is some issue where the game is unable to create the crash report file for some reason? It is not saying why. e.g. * your disk is full * there are too many open files on your system * there is some file system permission problem with the crash report folder * etc. As a first step, try deleting all the files in your crash report subfolder.
  7. There's only one Biome registry per server. It contains vanilla and datapack biomes, the latter of which includes modded biomes. If you load a different save you get a seperate registry with different objects (datapacks can vary per save/server). In older versions of minecraft there was a BuiltinRegistry that only included vanilla biomes (unless modders hacked theirs into it). It still wasn't the real registry used at runtime. It was the "templates" I referred to in the link above. It doesn't work that way anymore.
  8. Do you want me to write your mod for you as well? 🙂 Something like (untested code): public static ResourceLocation nameOfBiome(Level level, Biome biome) { return level.registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registries.BIOME).getKey(biome); }
  9. On the contrary, this question has been asked and answered many times before in this forum, e.g. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/113668-1182-force-clientsided-chunk-update/?do=findComment&comment=505208 For 1.19.4, Mojang moved the resource keys for registries to the Registries class.
  10. Don't you know which mods you added? The problem is going to be one of those. Anyway, you can't have both jei and rei.
  11. Then just create your own item and override the recipes to produce your item as the output. To make it work properly, you will need to specify "AFTER" as the ordering in the mod dependencies in your mods.toml https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Mods.toml Or you can use a mod like Kubejs or crafttweaker to modify the recipes using a script.
  12. Short answer is don't do that. Speak to the original mod author about getting the behaviour you want. Or if they don't want to do that, create your own item and let end users or modpack developers choose to use your item by modifying the crafting recipes.
  13. No. You need java 17 for modern minecraft. The error in that log is the same. You are missing the atlantis mod.
  14. It is usually difficult enough to upgrade modded servers to newer versions unless people that write worldgen mods add specific code to support it. Doing it in reverse isn't even supported by Mojang for vanilla world generation.
  15. From that I can deduce you started that save with minecraft 1.19.4 and now you are trying to use it with 1.19.2 That isn't going to work. If you want to create a server for 1.19.2 you need a new save (the "world" folder) for that version.
  16. The file is in the config sub-folder of your minecraft installation. "your minecraft folder"/config/camera-client.toml It is likely empty or corrupted because you didn't shutdown your computer properly. If you haven't made a backup of your files, the only way you can correct the problem is to delete the file. The game will then re-create it with default values.
  17. Broken config file. If you don't have a backup delete it and it will be recreated with default values.
  18. Can't help you unless you share the log/debug.log on a file sharing site.
  19. Can't help you unless you share the log/debug.log on a file sharing site.
  20. Upgrade your java to a recent version. e.g. https://adoptium.net
  21. You should be grateful that people document Mojang's code at all. The main purpose of the forge documentation is to explain what it provides in addition to Mojang's code. The feature you are using is very much Mojang's code and quite idiosyncratic in its behaviour. You didn't consider looking at Mojang's code to see how it actually works? Or using a debugger to see which "if statement" stops the sound from playing? https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Sounds#Player It won't send the sound from the server to the player making the sound. It assumes the client already played the sound. You pass a null player directly to Level.playSound() to send it to the player and nearby players. So your first attempt plays the sound to everybody near the joining player, but not to the joining player The second attempt will be heard by everybody that is near another player. But people by themselves won't hear it because there is no other player making the sound for them. The example I can think of similar to what you want to do is the use of ClientBoundCustomSoundPacket in the PlaySoundCommand?
  22. No it is not. This is why you shouldn't post code snippets in the forum. Put your full code (enough to reproduce the problem) on github. If you are just extending the default Item class (we don't know what you extend) the above line of code will return PASS on the client and the server side code will never run. So what code you are actually running is unknown. You should really be using InteractionResult.sidedSuccess(level.isClientSide) unless you really do want the code in the super class to run. As the to the integer, I assume you mean the flags found in the Block class? The destroyBlock() method you call uses 3 which is UPDATE_NEIGHBORS and UPDATE_CLIENTS. That is usually what you want unless you have special requirements.
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