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Everything posted by warjort

  1. That's a pretty well known value in minecraft modding. 🙂 ticks/s = 1000 / MinecraftServer.MS_PER_TICK = 20
  2. Entity.setSecondsOnFire() but why not just ItemStack.enchant() your sword with Enchantments.FIRE_ASPECT which will do that for you?
  3. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/b398f52a7f9885b2a181092d04af9679d4fb3e6b/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/extensions/common/IClientItemExtensions.java#L112
  4. https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
  5. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122906-particle-beam/#comment-534628 But your main problem is: DONT store data in static fields unless they are effectively immutable. You need to store the data against the object it relates to. In this case, either the player or the ItemStack. I don't know which of those you intend to have the cooldown. Here's what your code does: 1) Checks the cooldown and if it is ok finds the nearest entity and tries it hurt it on the client which will do nothing except maybe make it turn red? 2) Sets that static field and returns SUCCESS so it ill pass the work the server 3) The server (in single player mode) then checks the same static field and so says the item is on cooldown meaning it does nothing. I bet your code "works" on a dedicated on server, but only if there is one player using the item at once. You should also really be using "ticks" not real time. e.g. player.tickCount
  6. Maybe you have the one of the problems reported here? https://github.com/search?q=failed+to+create+model+minecraft%3Apig&type=issues Otherwise, the error does not say which mod is causing the problem. You will have to experiment with removing mods until you find the mod that is not registering its entities properly. Backup your world(s) before removing mods.
  7. Broken config file, if you don't have a backup, delete it and it will be recreated with default values.
  8. Can't help you unless you post the installer log with the full error. But to be honest as soon as I see the message "failed to download version manifest" that usually means you have some network issue that I'm not inclined to help with. One of the most common causes of that error is you previously used a hacked version of minecraft. This forum is for helping with forge, not fixing random (self inflicted?) issues with people's broken pcs.
  9. Use java 17
  10. I told you on your other thread That crash report lists them now that rubidium is not totally crashing the game without reporting its error. Find the part that begins "A detailed walkthrough..." and you can see it has the usual broken client side only mods: oculus, legendary tool tips, not enough animations, etc.
  11. Unless what you are actually doing is just creating a ghost entity on the client?
  12. Don't know then. Looks like a job for your debugger.
  13. I'm no expert on that, but I would guess it is something in your custom resource pack that is either broken or not compatible with your graphics card/monitor settings?
  14. Issue with immersive portals, contact the mod author.
  15. HangingEntity.survives() ?
  16. The vanilla block models don't set the render_type in their models (that's a forge thing). They register them programmatically. Which means the render type used comes from the block not the model. Since you haven't set a render type for your block, it will use the default, which is solid. So do one of; * Programmatically register your block's render type as translucent: https://github.com/search?q=ItemBlockRenderTypes&type=code * Copy the vanilla model and make your own with a render_type specified
  17. Please don't post logs in the forum, use a file sharing site. The error you describe in your title is not in that log, so I will guess it is probably the wrong log? Also, you have a ridiculously old version of optifine. Download the latest preview release (the one that says it is actually compatible with forge 40.2.1).
  18. Issue with immersive portals, check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  19. Ask the dawncraft modpack authors on their discord.
  20. The "nogui" option is for minecraft. 🙂 If you want to install the server without using a gui, use --installServer /path/to/where/you/want/to/install/it Use --help for the full options You will also want to likely use java 17 to run the server, since mixin (used by a lot of mods) does not support java 20
  21. This is not the optifine support forum. But it is very unlikely you can use 2 totally different "optimisation"/overhaul mods at the same time, i.e. optifine and oculus likely don't play nicely together.
  22. There's no error in that log, post the launcher_log.txt But you are doing this wrong. If you think you can just put a large number of random mods in the mods folder and it will work, it won't. Those kind of modpacks take teams of experienced modpack developers weeks or months to get right and yet they still get lots of bug reports: https://github.com/AllTheMods/ATM-8/issues (1000+ issues to date) Build your modpack one mod at a time or in small groups and test it. That way you will know which mod is causing problems. If you don't want to do that, use a modpack built by somebody else that is prepared to do it.
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