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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update if you want support.
  2. I don't recall the debug gui being that way? Are you 100% sure you have no mods installed? Not even Optifine? Please post the FML log (logs/fml-client-latest.log in your game directory).
  3. Use the PlayerEvent.Clone to transfer the data from the dead player (PlayerEvent.Clone#getOriginal) to the new player (PlayerEvent.Clone#getEntityPlayer) when PlayerEvent.Clone#isWasDeath.
  4. Ignore that, I misread. If you were using Java 9 you wouldn't be able to start the game at all. The log you posted isn't the FML log. The FML log is located in
  5. Does that mean you're using Java 9? FML doesn't support Java 9 yet, so you should use Java 8 in the meantime. Post the FML log (logs/fml-client-latest.log in your game directory) if that doesn't help.
  6. What are you trying to do (from a users perspective)?
  7. Always post the FML log (fml-client-latest.log in your game directory) when you crash.
  8. My favorite modded version of all time was 1.4.7, but right now I'm using 1.12.2.
  9. Everything newer than 1.7.10 (1.8.9, 1.9.4 (not used a lot), 1.10.2, 1.11.2 and 1.12.2). The supported range of mods changes as new Minecraft versions get released, and to make sure you can continue to get support, you should always use the latest Minecraft version with a recommended release.
  10. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update if you want support.
  11. This is an issue with Pixelmon. Make sure you're using the latest version and report it to the author.
  12. Don't bother. As you've read correctly, 1.7.10 is no longer supported and the thread will be closed. There are alternatives to Thermos which are updated to the latest version of Minecraft and are also compatible with Forge.
  13. Don't be afraid to make your own thread. In almost all cases, you don't have the same issue.
  14. You have six faces, each has 7 possible states. That means you have 7⁶ (117649) possible states. The game has to calculate and bake all different combinations of models for all of the states, and takes a lot of memory and time. So you either have to use a custom IBakedModel to combine multiple models or rethink your idea.
  15. Try using EntityLivingBase#travel.
  16. If you're using a GuiScreen, setting the xSize and ySize will correctly set the guiLeft and guiTop variables in your GuiScreen, which represent the coordinates of the top-left corner of your GuiScreen. You can use those variables to determine positions of buttons and text.
  17. Show how you register your models.
  18. Look at the subclasses of FluidEvent. They are related to moving, filling, draining and spilling of tanks. Their Javadoc tells you exactly what they do. Yes. However, if you're not adding functionality other than what the default implementation offers, you should probably use the default implementation. That's how it was done before the capability system was around, and they probably were to lazy to update their code.
  19. TileFluidHandler is an example implementation of the fluid capability. IFluidTank is optional, you can use IFluidHandler without it, but using the default implementation (FluidTank) will call events based on tank filling/draining, which you should fire yourself if you don't use it.
  20. You might be able to use the EntityJoinWorldEvent, check if the entity spawned is an EntityItem with the boat Item and call EntityItem::setItem to change it to any ItemStack you want. However, this might cause a lot of overhead as every Entity spawned will have to be checked.
  21. You never said it wasn't working for you. Only that it's useless. You should use the universal bucket and if you run into issues, post them here. Only if you need your bucket to have custom functionality, would it make sense to make custom buckets.
  22. You need to return an integer fro 0-15 based on the Block and it's properties. You decide how you want to implement that. IFluidHandler can be anything that handles fluids (items, blocks, tileentities), and an IFluidTank is specifically designed for tanks in an inventory.
  23. The Forge blockstate format is version based ("forge_marker": 1, AKA version 1), which is pretty much guaranteed to be backwards compatibly, while the vanilla version isn't. @OP you only set the textures in the inventory state, so they don't get set for the other states. Set the textures in both states, or set them in the defaults tag so it gets set for all states.
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