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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Looks like Greymerk's Roguelike Dungeons is crashing. Try updating to the latest version.
  2. Well, you can just always download the mods from TPPI yourself instead of using the tekkit pack.
  3. I am just gonna say it: update. If you want to add your mod to your TPPI, update your TPPI and make a mod for that version.
  4. You can just use the vanilla one: new WorldGenLakes(YOUR_BLOCK).generate(world,random,x,y,z)
  5. As you seem to have copied the code from EntityEnderPearl , I looked in the onImpact method in EntityEnderPearl , and I found this: if (entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.func_147362_b().isChannelOpen() && entityplayermp.worldObj == this.worldObj)
  6. What makes you think you can't get the held item client-side? You can get the player using Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer and you can get the held item from the player. You just can't modify the held item on the client-side.
  7. You need to use readFromNBT on the entity, instead of writeToNBT .
  8. You need to register your TileEntity using GameRegistry.registerTileEntity .
  9. Errors? I don't see any errors? Without the logs, the don't know the issue and can't help you.
  10. No, we are not mean, we are telling you to learn basic Java which you clearly don't know,
  11. 1) It is causing a infinite loop because you are calling a method from the method itself. 2) This board is for Minecraft Modding, not a Java school. From the board description:
  12. No you draw in drawScreen . You need to count ticks in updateScreen and every # ticks, increment the animation and render your animation in drawScreen .
  13. From HarvestDropsEvent : public final EntityPlayer harvester; // May be null for non-player harvesting such as explosions or machines
  14. Well, where do you add the recipes?
  15. Try overriding the getSoundVolume method in your entity class, by default it return 1.0F, so lower that for a lower sound volume.
  16. Does TileEntityTrialInventory#isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer) return true?
  17. Dude, this thread is 2 years old... Make your own if you need help.
  18. How big is "REALLY" big? Maybe you can post an image or give us the bounding box size?
  19. He want to generate a structure in an already made world. @OP, maybe you can use the WorldEvent.Load event to generate the structure in the world, and have a boolean to check if it was already generated in the world.
  20. This topic has been moved to Minecraft General. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=28151.0[/iurl]
  21. You need to return true in shouldRender3DInInventory in your renderer, and actually do something in the renderInventoryBlock method.
  22. Update to the latest version by changing the version number in your build.gradle.
  23. We need to code to help you. And tell us what the problem is.
  24. You need to register it on the FML bus: FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus() .
  25. Topic locked! This is your third thread in 24h (wtf are you thinking!?) for this 'issue' (currently your issue is not knowing how to google!).
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