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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. Look at the tutorial for world generation. You could copy the Minecraft village generation code if you want, or else write your own algorithms.
  2. What's weird about it? You asked Minecraft to draw "some text" at (5,45) and it did.
  3. Um, Lex? Please don't flame me, but... javac doesn't accept memory arguments, only the runtime does.
  4. In onItemRightClick() you are passed an EntityPlayer. All you need is player.worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(x,z).
  5. Alternatively, you might want onNeighborBlockChange(world,x,y,z,meta), which sounds more appropriate for your situation.
  6. I don't think it will work if you pass 0 to every argument. I also think there's another function you need to override: getCollisionBox(Entity). Alternatively, you could try modifying the field this.boundingBox. I'd be glad to help, though, as I need the answer to this problem myself.
  7. Look at shouldSideBeRendered (the way you want it is under BlockLeavesBase. Of course, you could also just extend BlockLeavesBase instead of Block.)
  8. How would I go about doing that exactly? Redefine onUpdate(ItemStack, World, Entity, int, bool) in the item that you want to change. Put some sort of a check in there: if X ticks have passed, change the contents of the ItemStack. Okay, so I have this class.
  9. ...Oh. You're one of those modders. Do you have a Git/SVN/&c repository for your mod?
  10. What you actually do is define setPotionEffect() in the item class.
  11. The server doesn't need natives because all of the Minecraft natives are client-only (keyboard/mouse input, rendering, &c.) It's largely your choice where you put the server native; I would recommend putting it somewhere inside the directory where the server jar is.
  12. Entity class won't tell us much; we need the Render class.
  13. Create your own WorldGen. There are tutorials available.
  14. It's his problem. Most likely has some irregularity in his file; he should re-download it.
  15. I doubt what you're trying to do is possible. I would recommend posing your problem to Lex (i.e. suggest a Forge hook for it), but be warned of flame.
  16. Modify Minecraft.sendClickBlockToController(int, bool). It's line 1250. You'll have to make your mod a coremod, but I'm fairly sure there's no way around that.
  17. Oh really? There's no such field as EnumToolMaterial.JIBLET, and, if there is, there shouldn't be, as you shouldn't be editing base classes.
  18. I guess it looks like a problem with your network.
  19. Any reason you're using field_94604_cx instead of itemIcon?
  20. If the folder has a lowercase 'm', then no wonder.
  21. Could I see the main mod source file? If this is caused by your mod, it looks like you're using the configuration incorrectly. Besides, if you're writing your mod right, the configuration should regenerate automatically; you should have default IDs hardcoded.
  22. Look at how ItemStack renders, I suppose, or else XPOrb. Frankly, it's just a matter of rendering a textured square, which is simple GL.
  23. I did a dimension myself back in 1.4.6; I can help you if you like.
  24. How would I go about doing that exactly? Redefine onUpdate(ItemStack, World, Entity, int, bool) in the item that you want to change. Put some sort of a check in there: if X ticks have passed, change the contents of the ItemStack. Okay, so I have this class.
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