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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. I followed the picture, but I met a problem. In eclipse I have my packages like mods.roserod.textures.items I must put my png files in a path like E:\Minecraft152\.minecraft\mods\roserod\mods\roserod\textures\items It works. @Override public void registerIcons(IconRegister iconRegister) { itemIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("roserod:roseRod"); } The fourth-to-last directory (second "mods/") is supposed to go in the mod jar. His problem is with textures. For blocks with subtypes you also need to override getIcon(side,meta)
  2. Thanks given! Now I just need to figure out how to control my entity with the keyboard...
  3. Make sure you're actually calling the proxy init; I derped that way myself.
  4. So, it works completely now? Right? Or is it still broken?
  5. Instead of just using 90 and 0, you can use the actual yaw and pitch. player.setLocationAndAngles(x, y, z, player.rotationYaw, player.rotationPitch); Good point, not that I'm sure it matters.
  6. ... Are you sure you have the right log?
  7. There's no error there. (Don't worry about the "NO VALID CERTIFICATE FOUND" messages.)
  8. If this is a problem with Tekkit, go complain to Tekkit.
  9. When you create the entity, set a damage value variable. Then, when you pick it up, transfer that variable's value back into the ItemStack metadata.
  10. if(icommandsender instanceof EntityPlayer){ ((EntityPlayer) icommandsender).setLocationAndAngles(x,y,z,yaw,pitch); }
  11. It looks like you'll have to edit base classes. I'd say you put an extra condition in Chunk.getEntitiesOfTypeWithinAAAB.
  12. When exactly is this that you want to teleport the player?
  13. You're setting all the bounds to 0... it seems doubtful that that would work... Also, apparently setPosition(x,y,z) changes the bounding box... according to the "width" and "height". So you'll have to override that too.
  14. QUADRA POST! Sorry I couldn't help; I couldn't find any problems either.
  15. Oh, sorry, I was talking to redria7. We should probably move our discussion to a seperate thread Anyway, your problem... it doesn't look like it's possible to change the moon texture without changing it universally. Alternatively, you could draw a custom moon.
  16. Eh, it's good practice not to make base edits if you can avoid it. Not that I would know anything about good practice...
  17. You'll have to delete the configuration as well. If it's set as 5000 in your config, then changing the default won't change anything until the config regenerates.
  18. Block takes a Material argument. BlockOre doesn't—it's preset to Material.rock.
  19. Crash log, please.
  20. ... Odd. To say the least. Perhaps I should take a look at your generation code myself. You wouldn't happen to have a Github? Anyway. I did some looking into your other question, and have you tried setting myWorldProvider.hasNoSky to true?
  21. That's how he *had* it set up... and it's an outdated method.
  22. Or: this.boundingBox.setBounds(minX,minY,minZ,maxX,maxY,maxZ);
  23. You're probably going to have to rewrite some of the villager code... but I'll point you toward EntityVillager.addMerchantItem()
  24. I don't know how to use IAdditionalEntityData... but teleporting a player is player.setLocationAndAngles(x,y,z,yaw,pitch). I use 90 and 0 for the last two arguments; that works well enough.
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