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Everything posted by endershadow

  1. It worked for me pretty well . but yep, it's not my first programming language. Going from C# to Java was sometimes unpleasant, but feasible. ya same, except I started with C++ before going to java
  2. I'd like to see how IC2 did it as well
  3. you could use an if statement for the player's username. I did this if(player.username == "USERNAME_ ONE" || player.username == "USERNAME_TWO" || player.username == "USERNAME_THREE") { player.playerCloakUrl = ""; } but I have no clue what the url should be.
  4. actually the variables xSize and ySize need to be the size of the part of the image that ISN'T blank
  5. ya. the two files I linked in my above comment are the only files used for that block
  6. if you want just a tile entity, then look at what I did for one of my blocks. All my block does is change it's texture based on the dimension it's in. I don't even use a gui or anything special, just the block and the tile entity. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/lyoko/blocks/BlockLyokoVirtual.java https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/lyoko/entities/TileEntityVirtualBlock.java
  7. but what would we put there? the image location? and it still doesn't tell us the dimensions of the cape.
  8. try doing this for your onActivated method in the block class @Override public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int idk, float what, float these, float are) { TileEntity tileEntity = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tileEntity == null || player.isSneaking()) { return false; } player.openGui(MyMod.instance, 0, world, x, y, z); return true; } } and make sure the two methods in the GUI handler have the EXACT same code in each of them, or the inventory will be buggy when it's opened
  9. are you extending BlockContainer in the block class?
  10. make it extend BlockContainer and you don't need to override hasTileEntity
  11. use techne, and once you do, export it as a texture
  12. so what exactly should I do for this block? this is the one for question 1. here's the block code. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/lyoko/blocks/BlockSuperCalc.java
  13. @insane_gravy I figured out how to make it open the gui of a certain block. it's hard to explain, so I'll link you to the code which is on my github. Also, the method "isMultiBlock" is akin to your isValidCombination method. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/lyoko/blocks/BlockSuperCalc.java
  14. it's still relevant
  15. each input would need it's own slot that can only have certain items in it. I made something like that in my mod. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/tree/master/lyoko/slots
  16. I would like to know how to make a cape as well. I know the Industrial Craft 2 modders have an IC2 cape
  17. or you could check for when the player starts mining sand, it turns it into the custom sand
  18. you could also constantly check for when sand drops as an EntityItem and then change it to whatever you want using a tick handler
  19. use xCoord and zCoord instead of x and z
  20. it looks like you might be telling the game to use the wrong texture file or block index in texture
  21. make a model with techne and set up a tile entity special renderer. if you need to see how stuff is implemented, you can look at my github. if you need any help I'll be glad to help https://github.com/Code-Lyoko-Modding/CodeLyokoMod
  22. I forgot about that
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