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Everything posted by endershadow
you have to tell it to do Aom.Salt.ItemID otherwise it will try to drop something with the unshifted ID.
that was rude
the number in the case would be the dimension ID and as far as I know, that's correct.
Thanks yagoki. I forgot about that.
what's the problem? I can't help if I don't know the problem.
so your saying that forge itself puts the block IDs in the config file, but the modders don't change how they have their config stuff set up.
I'm not sure whether this should be in forum for just java in general or modding with forge, but since this is for a mod I'm making, I'll put it here. I'm trying to make my Item take a class name in it's constructor. so public ItemVehicle(int par1, String entv, String icon) { super(par1); this.maxStackSize = 1; this.setCreativeTab(CodeLyoko.LyokoTabs); entityVehicle = entv; iconString = icon; } String entityVehicle = ""; and then later in the class I want to have something like this EntityVehicle var35 = new entityVehicle(/**constructor information**/) I want to use the string as a class name, so entityVehicle would end up equalling something like "EntityOverboard". Is there a syntax error? Or something else?
I did read your post. but what if you add a mod that forge decides to load in between the mods that were already added. for example lets say you have mod a, b, and c. you first play with mod a and c so it loads a then c. then you decide to add mod b. because it would load the mods in alphabetical order, it would load a then b then c and the IDs would get messed up.
or Forge could implement a Block/Item ID clash detection system that lets you change it when you run the game. Then you just distribute the config files if you want to share worlds/make a mod pack instead of having problems if you add mods not already in the mod pack or it loads the mods in a different order.
in 1.5.1 .setBlock is available
from what I'm aware of, I don't think it's possible at the moment. although you could make it a crafting recipe instead of smelting recipe.
he wants to drop two items
[SOLVED] TileEnity seeming to forget values
endershadow replied to ThatBenderGuy's topic in Modder Support
make sure you registered the tile entity in the @Init method of your mod as well -
take any item and add this code to your main mod class MinecraftForge.setToolClass(ITEM, "pickaxe", HARVEST_LEVEL); HARVEST_LEVEL is an int 0-3 where: 0 = wood/gold; 1 = stone; 2 = iron; 3 = diamond.
the two arrays need to be of equal length. so this public static boolean[] areRepeating = new boolean[] {false}; becomes this public static boolean[] areRepeating = new boolean[] {false, false}; that should solve your problem.
put this in the load method GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new TutWorldGen()); and put @Init above the load method. It should look like this @Init public void load () and get rid of the extra set of {} that comess right after the load method on the same line
when I did that, it made the game crash. Is there a certain place I should put it. EDIT: I fixed it. I had the min, max, chance in the wrong order
Actually i don't use it anymore. I used it as a substitute until i figured out how to make a multi block structure which i have. I just left the code in in case I needed to use it again.
I saw that, but by the way it was worded I thought it might be slightly confusing to understand what ashton was trying to say
I think it would be a great Idea to have a way to increase the players reaching range without modifying base classes or using asm. For instance, being able to reach 10 blocks ahead instead of 4. I was thinking of something like this. public FORMAT_PLAYER_REACH_DISTANCE_IS_IN playerReachDistance(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player) {} If something for this is already in forge, how would I do it.
there's four files total that are needed. 1) your TileEntity class 2) a client proxy class 3) a class that extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer 4) a model file made in techne. In your Client proxy, under registerRenderInformation put this line ClientRegistry.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer(TILE_ENTITY.class, new TILE_ENTITY_SPECIAL_RENDERER_FILE()); and for the TileEntitySpecialRenderer file, copy this file and make any necessary changes. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/render/RenderSuperCalc.java