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Everything posted by endershadow

  1. If I wanted to accept a class in the constructor of a custom bow, and then instantiate it. How would I go about doing that. any help would be appreciated.
  2. if you want the crafting bench one. then do @Override public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z, int par7, float par8, float par9, float par10) { if(!world.isRemote) { player.displayGUIWorkbench(x, y, z); } return true; } it should work.
  3. there is a method in the block class for doing that. you'll need to replace the ice block in the block list with a custom one. or use ASM. @Override public void onEntityWalking(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity ent) { world.setBlock(x, y, z, Block.waterMoving.blockID); }
  4. what if you make it so when the space bar is pressed the second time, the player stops and then jumps. that should work
  5. they're the same. ItemStacks are for blocks and items.
  6. oh... whoops. I had thought that what Draco said was Abascus's reply. I didn't check to see who wrote the reply...
  7. you can make a block that looks like stone, but isn't stone, so if it drops cobblestone, it isn't counted as your stone.
  8. I mean it doesn't change the player's range for hitting blocks.
  9. make sure the height is a multiple of the width
  10. would that get rid of the problem?
  11. 1.5 the texture width MUST be a multipe of 16, and the height MUST be a multiple of the width
  12. you don't understand how the armor works. you need ALL pieces equipped to get the specified effect. So putting it in onArmorTickUpdate works. and I purposefully made it use one class.
  13. if you look at my code, just remove the checkNotConflicting method from the class file. then they can touch. I just did it so you don't get really wierd structures that are multiple structures in one.
  14. that didn't work. here's my code https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/items/ArmorLyoko.java
  15. I made a multiblock structure in my mod. here's my file. basically look at the methods from isMultiBlock to onActivated. and when you check the coordinates in isMultiBlock, it's relative to the center block, and in onActivated, it's the same thing, just invert the + and - signs. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/blocks/BlockSuperCalc.java
  16. since I use multiple armor pieces for it to work, it's ok to use onArmorTickUpdate
  17. how exactly do I use it? here's what I have so far. but it doesn't work. By this I mean, it doesn't change anything at all from what I can tell. This is only the relevant part of the class file that I'm posting. so not the whole file.
  18. It's really hard for me to change the rotation and position of glove model when my character is wearing it. does anyone have any tips on doing it? because I'm having trouble with it. I watched a video on setting up things like this, but ichun said that this part is different for every model. if anyone would be willing to give me any tips/restrictions on what the numbers can be or willing to set up the rotation for me would be appreciated.
  19. anyone know how to do it though?
  20. you're giving it Item() as it's ID which is not correct. it needs to be an integer.
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