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Everything posted by endershadow

  1. Telling someone to perform a jar edit is still bad advice, even if your statement was technically correct. He's telling him to put it in HIS jar not the main minecraft jar
  2. ok. thanks
  3. ok. thanks
  4. using ASM. It looks too complicated for me to try and learn it.
  5. using ASM. It looks too complicated for me to try and learn it.
  6. how do you find modid
  7. how do you find modid
  8. you could shift the model in techne over a little bit.
  9. but that's just it, I used what you used and it gave me the same problem. invisible entities. Could it be that the entities are too fast?
  10. yes. and I think you can do it by using the same keybinding as vanilla for opening the inventory.
  11. Because some of them need to look like a snowball.
  12. here's a link to my renderer on github. this one is based off the snowball renderer. https://github.com/code-lyoko-modding/CodeLyokoMod/blob/master/matt/lyoko/render/RenderLaserArrow.java
  13. It just doesn't show up. and I tried copying the arrow render class and changing the string and the entity it referenced, but it didn't work.
  14. are you sure it's EntityPlayerMP and not EntityPlayer? and depending on where you change those variables depends on where they work. I know for a fact that setting allowFlying to true in a tick handler doesn't work, but it does in the item file.
  15. I want to render my arrow like item, but I can't get it to work correctly. I've tried the arrow renderer and the snowball renderer. but so far I've had no luck. please help.
  16. well, it would get rid of the falling through the ground bug, and beds are basically the exact same thing you're looking for. Just without the changing the time and resetting spawn part.
  17. have you thought of making it a block with a tile entity?
  18. where are you calling it?
  19. then what do I do to make it accept a float? I already tried float.class and even float, but it wants a class and I don't know what class to use.
  20. then how to I make it accept a float?
  21. what is the boolean in the onUpdate method in Item.java used for? public void onUpdate(ItemStack stack, World world, Entity ent, int slot, boolean par5) { }
  22. this is exactly what was in the error.
  23. I did what you said but it crashed on the onPlayerStoppedUsing method. Here's the code for the class file. And please ignore the badly named variables. I basically copied the ItemBow class.
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