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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by endershadow

  1. in pull requests, you are able to modify base classes. that's how forge adds all of the abilities it adds. it modifies the original code. hence why you need to put minecraft forge in the jar file.
  2. it should. maybe you can add attributes to it to modify the speed of the player?
  3. you could make it so they add the block ID followed by the speed in the config.
  4. I like your profile pic. It's the character (I haven't watched the anime yet but an planning to soon) from Elfen Lied.
  5. You can also do player.setLocationAndUpdate(x, y, z) and it automatically uses the players yaw and pitch.
  6. I'm aware of how to teleport once in the player class, I've done it before, I just need to get a way to save data to the player.
  7. ... why did I not think of that. On to the second problem, how do I save the location of the player at a certain point in time and then retrieve it later on? if needed, I can save it to a file and then read it from there, but I'd prefer to save it to NBT data.
  8. but that still doesn't help me make all trades useable with emeralds OR the money added by my mod.
  9. I was hoping I wouldn't have to modify the base code. maybe forge can add a hook for that.
  10. does anyone know if there is a way to add another currency for villagers? I made a mod that adds money and would like to know if it's possible to add something like this.
  11. it would be better to extend the corresponding block class, and then replace the original block in Block.blocksList with the new one.
  12. I can help you with replacing vanilla blocks if you want.
  13. I think you can use reflection to replace the vanilla blocks with custom blocks, but that may cause incompatibilities with other mods if you change too much.
  14. Where you do blockname = new BlockClassName (id, material)
  15. It's a block id conflict try behaving the block id of one of them.
  16. no problem. I've had my share of problems (and still do today) so I try to help as much as I can because it's so frustrating trying to get a mod to work when you're trying something new that you've never done before.
  17. I'm not sure about that. I've never actually found a solution to that.
  18. in onBlockPlacedBy() try swapping the postions of 2,3 and 4,5
  19. what do you mean rendering backwards?
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