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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. A few things your modid should be all lowercase, and the idea of a CommonProxy doesn't make sense. For more information take a look at Code Style #1. Your mod not loading is probably due to you not changing your Classpath in the run configurations.
  2. You can recreate the abstraction of getField and setField if you wish, but the premise is you need to override detectAndSendChanges and updateProgressBar. Your detect and send changes will iterate through the listeners field and then call sendWindowProperty.
  3. I don't see doesSideBlockRendering method in your GlassSlab class. You need to override this method and return false.
  4. Push you updated code, because what I said worked for me.
  5. Your gonna want to override doesSideBlockRendering to fix the seeing through the world, not sure if shouldSideBeRendered needs to be overriden anymore, but it is less checks run if you do. And then override getLightOpacity and return 0 this will fix a lighting glitch you will have/do have.
  6. You do this because it is what Minecraft uses, directly calling OpenGL could mess with the GLStateManager. Maybe, but does it work with the glass completely?
  7. Either you didn't push your code to github or you didn't do what I said.
  8. Your model doesn't say your modid for the texture.
  9. This doesn't make any sense, when you hosting and playing on the same machine you should have the theoretical best connection.
  10. And this happens when you run it on a completely separate machine as well?
  11. So like Block breaking and placing latency? Then it is probably a problem with your internet.
  12. That's partially right, now you just need to pass it into the get method on your list that has the Sounds in it.
  13. Create a new Random call nextInt(listLength) and then pass the int returned from that into the get method of List/ArrayList
  14. List#get(Random#nextInt(List#size())) Or in simpler terms I assume you know how to get an Item out of a ArrayList, so you need to generate a psuedo-random number with the Random class that has a maximum of the lists length.
  15. How much code for this do you know, have you created the item, have you overrided the method that fires when the item is right clicked, do you know how to play a sound?
  16. Well if it's telling you to remove the override you don't have the right parameters look in BlockSlab they override it.
  17. Simply return true and that should work. In your GlassSlab class.
  18. You will need to override shouldSideBeRendered
  19. Forge didn't change the BlockGlass code at all. All of the code that we are looking at in the net.minecraft package is decompiled minecraft code that has been edited to be readable by the MCP team.
  20. Try using this instead. GlStateManager.tryBlendFuncSeparate(GlStateManager.SourceFactor.SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.SourceFactor.ONE, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ZERO); Also switch to using GLStateManager instead of direct OpenGL calls.
  21. Not exactly sure what you are trying to say, but if you look in your minecraft jar file you will see the package is net.minecraft... Forge does patch the Block class, but that doesn't mean it isn't Minecraft code. The only thing forge did was add a few fields and methods and made it implement IForgeRegistry.
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