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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. My bad sent this as I received your message.
  2. Force them to use a Block or Ite instance then you can limit that by making methods that add them, but only take a Block or an Item. Hence why I said And make the constructor of the OreDictManager be protected so only classes extending it or in the same package can access instances of it.
  3. I dont see why this is a problem actually, are you the only one using this code? If so then you should know that the only two types it can accept are Blocks and Items. Ultimately you could make two classes that extend your OreDictManager that explicitly uses Item and Block respectively and possibly make your OreDictManager abstract unless there won't be a difference between the two functionally.
  4. You should use the Animation System, I have a tutorial about this on this forum it is here. It explains how to use it, hopefully decently well. If you have any questions ask.
  5. What type of item? ItemTool, ItemPickaxe, Item? What is its parent class?
  6. It's a two byte number.
  7. Yes that is what I had written before. But then I edited it because I remembered it was saved as a short value and read as a short value because that is the closest thing to its size.
  8. Oh, thank you I wrote this late at night after finally getting my animation to work. I will change that.
  9. The yes it is obviously your block, and the problem may be that the string in your @ObjectHolder annotation doesn't match its registry name?
  10. Cool beans, I'm happy for you.
  11. That number is too big actually. There is a max amount the max damage can be which is like a short, I'm not quite sure.
  12. I'm sure that it is the null instance that you are using as an entity that is null. Try using the player.
  13. You should switch over to using one WorldGenerator, create two fields in one class and call runGeneration on both.
  14. There is a code block button looks like this <> and a spoiler block button, please use them.
  15. Try stepping through your code in the debugger of your IDE it will show you exactly what is going on.
  16. You dont have to. But that is what most people do. Use a switch case statement or an if statement. Post your code for the FireOreGen and WaterOreGen classes
  17. Look at the java doc above the class. But I believe you lower it.
  18. Change the number 10
  19. Then change the rarity. Cant help if you dont post code.
  20. Yes I meant the latter. Instead of doing new MultiPartEntity do new EntityTest.
  21. Well you didn't do what I said.
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