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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Try putting a data value of 32,767 for your ingredient.
  2. Huh, I wonder how one might solve this problem you have here. It not working is a big one. If only we new what not working meant.
  3. This is called literally once. There are multiple render methods in GuiScreen that are not a constructor.
  4. How are you connected to your internet? Is it a ethernet or normal wireless connection to a router or are you using some other method such as tethering?
  5. This is a ridiculous statement. Why not just make your own way of scaling the entities that is possible in the recent versions of Minecraft and is more stable. What if there was a modded entity that was bigger than the Ender Dragon and the shadow size represented that, and a scale size of .1 did not successfully shrink the entity enough.
  6. Expose your capability of choice either custom or one of the provided ones. Via Item#initCapabilities or AttachCapabilitiesEvent Update the client when the capabilities data changes via a custom packet. Do what ever you want with the data from the capability via an ItemStack instance. ItemStack#getCapability/ItemStack#hasCapability
  7. Well then what exactly is the problem you are having? Not being able to display the Capabilities data on the client? Is it there on the server? If so you just need to sync it with a packet.
  8. It is pretty simple if it is your own Item you wish to add capabilities to it. Override the method initCapabilities in your Item class and handle it exactly like you would a TE. And in your case it sounds like you could just use the IItemHandler capability you do not need to create your own.
  9. ItemBlock extends from Item ItemStack is something that holds an item and all the various other information like stack size and metadata. ItemStack also has a method called getItem() which will return the item it is holding.
  10. Lol Dont do this use the IItenHandler capability instead.
  11. Yup. That is how all scroll wheels work. But you will also want to stop drawing objects at a certain point so they dont go off of your gui.
  12. Don't implement ITileEntityProvider instead override hasTileEntity(IBlockState) and createTileEntity(World, IBlockState). Post your TileEntity.
  13. He switched over to not using PropertyDirection and instead using BlockHorizontal.FACING instead. So this isn't the problem.
  14. Minecraft declared a lot of Block metadata and state methods deprecated and some IDEs yell at you about using deprecated methods so you suppress the warning so you can't see the notification. @_Cruelar_ I am not sure what is causing your problem to be honest have you tried refreshing your workspace and restarting your IDE?
  15. Post the newest log, and remove everything else that is also causing a texture/model error.
  16. I don't quite understand what you are saying.
  17. EnumFacing#getHorizontalIndex() and EnumFacing.HORIZONTALS
  18. It depends, do you want the top to be animated?
  19. @Override public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World worldIn, EntityPlayer player, EnumHand handIn) { ItemStack stack = player.getHeldItemMainhand(); damageTrinketInHand(stack, player); if (stack.isEmpty()) { stack = new ItemStack(ModItems.BROKEN_TRINKET); } return new ActionResult<>(EnumActionResult.SUCCESS, stack); } private void damageTrinketInHand(ItemStack stack, EntityLivingBase entityLiving) { stack.damageItem(1, entityLiving); }
  20. @_Cruelar_ The problem is with your getMetaFromState and getStateFromMeta. You need to change these to only use the horizontal values.
  21. The Chest is rendered in a TESR, which is called TileEntityChestRenderer.
  22. Post the error instead of adding extra unused variants.
  23. The Chest is rendered in a TESR not a normal block model.
  24. This also has a UP and DOWN variant. Also post a picture of your file paths for your textures.
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