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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You don't have any commas in your Block model....
  2. You need to register the TileEntity using GameRegistry.registerTileEntity() And what do you mean by invincible.
  3. I believe the problem is you are spawning the particles with zero speed and inside the block so they are not visible.
  4. Use the PlayerEvent.HavestCheck event and the PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed event.
  5. Did you edit your ModBlock#onBlockActivated before posting it here? Because the way it is currently would not even compile.
  6. Are you calling markDirty() every time the double changes/any saved data changes?
  7. It is the order try creating a new world that should fix your problem.
  8. I could make one of those if it is really wanted, though i am going to be really inactive on that channel until Summer. Hopefully i will be free enough to do stuff by Summer.
  9. Yes it is updated to work with 1.10+ you need the 1.8 version from their github. And there are Javadocs in the src code.
  10. Both the modid and the next String need to be lower case.
  11. This does not have to be lowercase.
  12. All resources/assets should be lowercase.
  13. The method is called twice for each hand on each thread. 2x2=4
  14. No the EnumHand parameter passed is which players Hand is interacting with the Entity.
  15. You should be getting four, two for each thread, one from each hand. You can use World#isRemote to determine if it is on the client.
  16. Not quite sure what that means... @Draco18s Are those mods updated to 1.10 yet BTW? Never mind you have updated the Minecraft forum post.
  17. 1.11.2 has 2 parameters EntityPlayer and EnumHand. EntityLiving#processInteract
  18. Post your code please.
  19. You are still ignoring the first part. Your file name/resource names needs to be lowercase.
  20. Resources need to be all lowercase and did you try modid:filePath?
  21. The TileEntity should only implement ITickable (not the client/sound one). And do not use IInventory on TEs, for the Container use SlotItemHandler instead of Slot.
  22. Are you registering your EventHandler class via MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(...)?
  23. Could you post a picture of your project directory?
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