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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You have the ability to update them yourself which is always a pleasure. Also there is a BlockState field in the event which contains a Block field.
  2. You could write the program very easily by scanning through the file and grabbing it a character at a time.
  3. You need to open up your run configurations and remove the arguments. Very simple, you need a block with a TE and the TE needs to return a Energy storage provided by Forge, and you need to make sure it is asking for one of the Forge Energy Capability.
  4. Check out the Energy Capability in the forge source and the documentation on Capabilities of the forge docs.
  5. Could you post some code so we have something to go off of?
  6. Is it an int, or an Integer?
  7. You will need to send a packet to sync the Capability.
  8. Post your code and the crash report.
  9. I'm going to say that Minecraft#effectRenderer is not initialized when you are calling the registerParticle method. Try some other ones like init or postInit.
  10. I would say so, that is where it would make the most sense to me, make sure it is after ItemRegistry and during preInit, or in the ModelRegistryEvent.
  11. Says it is crashing, but doesn't provide a crash report.
  12. Hopefully I understand it correctly for you (never used it). ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(Items.APPLE, Items.APPLE.getRegistryName(), new ResourceLocation("modid", "fileName")); ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(Items.APPLE, new ItemMeshDefinition() { @Override public ModelResourceLocation getModelLocation(ItemStack stack) { if (stack.hasTagCompound()) { if (stack.getTagCompound().getBoolean("charged")) { // return new ModelResourceLocation to charged sub type } else { // return new ModelResourceLocation to not charged sub type } } return new ModelResourceLocation(stack.getItem().getRegistryName(), "inventory"); } });
  13. You actually need to determine which State from which metadata. Currently you only return the default state in getStateFromMeta. And you always return 0 in getMetaFromState. These are how it saves the blockstate to disk.
  14. Create a new instance of ItemMeshDefinition, and in the one method return the proper ModelResourceLocation for that variant. You have a ItemStack parameter to use to get the NBT from.
  15. "name": "name" // Initializing and declaring a variable "secondName: ""#name" // Declaring a second variable and giving in the same value as the first using the first.
  16. Never worked with Particles, but I have seen the ParticleManager and it has a registry function.
  17. In this case Deprecated means do not call, but you can override it.
  18. Could you post the console log, and your code for the Item and where you register your model for it.
  19. You need to Override Block#getStateFromMeta and Block#getMetaFromState
  20. Override Item#shouldCauseReequipAnimation And how do i use it, i'm not sure what to do with the method Only return true when the item, the size, and the metadata changes.
  21. Look at the vanilla furnace container and TE for how it does it. TileEntityFurnace#getField, TileEntityFurnace#setField, TileEntityFurnace#getFieldCount and ContainerFurnace#detectAndSendChanges and ContainerFurnace#updateProgressBar.
  22. I would say WiFi, but couldn't be precise without a log.
  23. Override Item#shouldCauseReequipAnimation
  24. Look at RenderEntityItem(RenderEntityItem#doRender, line 89), and then use the RenderPlayerEvent.Pre to render the Item.
  25. If 7 is greater than the metadata then it will be 6 and below for one, and if you return super.getContainerItem you are just going to get null. Then override Item#hasContainerItem and make it return true when there is a container item.
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