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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Wait can you write out exactly what each thing needs to change to because ti still does not work and I have a feeling that I am just doing 1-2 thing(s) wrong. How should I do this? What should I make this class? (What type?) I don't think I can get anymore specific than what I said... And just a class that implements ICapabilitySerializable And in your ItemBag make a method called initCapabilities() Alright. So I've made this class. I called it "TestBagCapabilities" Now I created initCapabilities in test_bag. Now what? And the read/write NBT still isn't working.. Two things... Post your code or if you have a github put it on there and provide a link and every time your code changes update github.
  2. Wait can you write out exactly what each thing needs to change to because ti still does not work and I have a feeling that I am just doing 1-2 thing(s) wrong. How should I do this? What should I make this class? (What type?) I don't think I can get anymore specific than what I said... And just a class that implements ICapabilitySerializable And in your ItemBag make a method called initCapabilities()
  3. Change readFromNBT to deserializeNBT(NBTBase nbt) Change writeToNBT to serializeNBT() Don't make you Item implement ICapabilitySerializable make a new class that does, then override initCapabilities in your Item class.
  4. For what? My bag? (and that was an accidental thank you, but have it anyway ) OK, and yes.
  5. Then you should be good... could you post all of the code?
  6. Deserialize and Serialize mean to read and to write. Did you use IInventory for your Chest?
  7. He is talking about the item Map. And you could just use the RenderSpecificHandEvent and cancel when you are using the bow.
  8. So you don't want to learn TESR. A TESR is just a object attached to a TE that allows for dynamic rendering (rendering every frame). This requires the use of the rendering engine, OpenGL and the use of a Tesselator/VertexBuffer. Which is used to draw planes and form those planes into a 3D looking object.
  9. Take this and add you if statements because this is copied from my LayerEnderDragonDeath with a few edits. Like position and the frame calculation.
  10. Just the easiest way. Preferably if it doesn't involve just removing the item, and adding in another one. Modifing the metadata of the stack, and assigning the different metadata a different model when registered using ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(...)
  11. This is what mine looks like. float f = ((float)frame + partialTicks) / 200.0F; Also remove the frame counter instead just increase it to a limit then reset to 0;
  12. You would have to update isRunning on the client, just use a "frame" counter in your TESR to limit the render calls. Okay, trying to do whats on the git seems to make my screen flash white and lag.. a lot, like 10 fps. Solution float f = te.getWorld().getWorldTime() % 256; needs to be changed use your frame variable to understand what this does. You also need to translate to the x, y, and z correctly look at this line https://github.com/LambdaXV/PlentifulUtilities/blob/master/src/main/java/com/lambda/plentifulutilities/util/lib/DragonTESR.java#L46 I believe that is all.
  13. You would have to update isRunning on the client, just use a "frame" counter in your TESR to limit the render calls.
  14. Try setting it up so that your TESR only gets called once.
  15. Add those lines back, and then switch the extension to a normal TileEntitySpecialRenderer. And then change renderTileEntityFast to renderTileEntityAt and remove the VertexBuffer parameter.
  16. Could you post the error, I don't think it is the same error.
  17. Why do you still have the Tesselator?
  18. You cant have two instances of Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); VertexBuffer vertexbuffer = tessellator.getBuffer(); At the same time. Use the VertexBuffer parameter.
  19. Oh derp, you need a new instance of DragonTESR for the third parameter not the class.
  20. Yes I did mean ClientRegistry sorry about that. But change public class DragonTESR extends FastTESR { // To public class DragonTESR extends FastTESR<TileEntityRestorer> { And fix the error pops up with your IDE on the renderTileEntityFast method.
  21. TileEntityChest te = (TileEntityChest)worldObj.getTileEntity(BlockPos); te.setInventorySlotContents(index, stack);
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