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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You imported the wrong ITickable i believe.
  2. Im sorry could you be more specific? Do you mean a chat message? Or a packet message?
  3. When a block is placed check the ItemStack for the name then save the blockpos as a key in a Map and the name in the value. You would then have to save and load this to disk via WorldSavedData or Capabilites (not sure if capabilities for worlds are supported as of yet). Then with harvest block even add it to the dropped ItemStack.
  4. Im sorry what?! An invisible entity attached to your block?! By chance are you talking about TileEntities? Or actual entities.
  5. Could it be the way I register the render that's the problem? How do you register the renderer ModelLoader.serCustomModelResourceLocation(...) in preInit?
  6. Your json not the parent. em:block/slab_half_maple.json
  7. Is block/half_slab a block json? Yes it is, the vanilla slabs use it as well Is the json in modid:block/json Should it have to be in my mods assets folder, if I reference it from it's vanilla location, because that makes no sense to me, as I have done this with other models that worked fine I meant yours not the vanilla i should have specified.
  8. Is block/half_slab a block json? Yes it is, the vanilla slabs use it as well Is the json in modid:block/json
  9. Is block/half_slab a block json?
  10. I think you could the containerItem var or custom IRecipe.
  11. None of the block break methods have any ItemStack param, so I presume in getDrops I return a list of ItemStacks containing a custom ItemStack which has the NBT of the TE? Does getDrops have a world parameter?
  12. The difference is between using ModelLoader.setModelResourceLocation(item, meta, location) and Minecraft::register(item, meta, location). The prior will get called in preInit and the later after preInit. The later is also really finicky about what happens before/after so stick with ModelLoader version.
  13. In preInit after registration or before? I dont think it matters.
  14. Then you will have to use a custom capability or maybe an IProperty I personally have not worked with either of these, but im pretty sure you want to use the later.
  15. Instead of having the code for the effect in onItemRightClicked have it in onPlayerStoppedUsing (i believe it was that name may have changed). For an example of this look at ItemBow.
  16. Interactions happen with TileEntities not Containers atleast with hoppers.
  17. If this is still a problem i would recommend looking at my video tutorial if you think it might help. I mess up little on the JSON still getting used to them...
  18. Mod tweaker reads from a script at runtime and doesn't change dynamically.
  19. Are you adding the button outside of the gui?
  20. Can we see the updated whole class?
  21. Yes I know, and I can do pretty much the same for HeldEquippment, but is there a specialized method for doing that? Something like InventoryPlayer#hasItemStack which tries to see if an ItemStack instance exits in player's inventory, except returning a boolean it would return an inventory slot position. No you will have to create that method yourself.
  22. That's why I store some of the data in the upper part, some of the data in the middle part and the rest of the data in the lower part. Each part knows its height/position and fetches the things it doesn't store itself from the other parts. Just as vanilla doors do (they have HALF, FACING, HINGE and OPEN resulting in 32 possibilities). That worked fine in the 1.9 version and works on vanilla doors, so that's not the cause of the problem. Ok but vanilla doors only have two halfs 2 * 4 (the facing) * 2 (open or closed) = 16 which is the exact number for metadata. How ever yours would have more than thirteen so i would make three different blocks one for each part of the door atleast for your 1 by 3 door otherwise you will need a TileEntity.
  23. Move them up 0.0001 or similar amount.
  24. Has the forum stopped supporting 1.8 now?
  25. RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler (the render factory version) create a class that implements IRenderFactory then in the method that returns a Renderer (or something close to that return your renderer. If you dont have a renderer make on and in the render method from an instance of your model the render function.
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