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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. OnEntityCollided is called when the entity is inside of a block if you use FULL_BLOCK_AABB then the entity wont be able to get inside of the block which is one reason why cactus is not a full block.
  2. Set the particle tag in the texture tag.
  3. Does anything else get loaded?
  4. You also need to register it using MinecraftForge..register() in preInit
  5. This is terrible, terrible advice. 4 when i say 1 pixel plane i mean it is a rect that has the dim of 1 block, by 1 block by 1/16 of a block.
  6. That is him canceling all block updates not getting rid of events.
  7. By learning Java.
  8. Ermh , i didnt understand a word you said. What do you mean? You don't even know what the first sentence means?
  9. Make your image for where the code goes. Read up on Tesselator, you just bind the texture like any other image (look in vanilla GUI's for this). Go into Gui and look at how they use the Tesselator. fontRenderer.drawString is pretty self explanatory. Create a variable in your class with the type List and set it equal to and ArrayList. There is a method in Gui called keyPressed or keyTyped not sure which, but use that to write to your List.
  10. Set the event priority to highest to try and make sure it happens before anything else. Also f you have done it right then it will work.
  11. How, tell me how to fix it :C [lmgtfy]how to change file encoding to utf-8 in eclipse[/lmgtfy]
  12. You will have to handle the typing and rendering yourself. Create an image of what you want the Code here box to look like. Draw that image on the screen using the Tesselator class. Create a List of type String for all the text to be stored. Render the code using Gui#fontRenderer(I think that is the variables name) and a for loop. Handle the typing with Gui#keyPressed? or Gui#keyTyped. And ignore my last post I didn't see the whole picture.
  13. When drawing the background draw a rect with that color over the whole screen.
  14. Also you need to state what you want it to look like.
  15. He coded like this way, soo how i can fix it? c-c I usually run it through mcp, but i think forge has a built in way...diesieben?
  16. .java is decompiled not deobfuscated code.
  17. You posted a file from that jar right? That is not unobfuscated code. That is decompiled code.
  18. Everything that says field or func is obfuscated. You need to deobfuscate it. To do that is to make it readable ie field_something becomes maxHealth.
  19. He is importing the mod not exporting. He needs to correctly deobfuscate it before it will work in a dev environment though.
  20. Yes you use ITickable and not the client one.
  21. [*]Your item should have the parent of your block json. [*]Don't use capitals in file names. [*]Your inventory variant should point to the same as your normal variant, thus the missing texture (block/cube_all doesn't have a texture set it is an abstraction.) [*]Other than that I do not know why your block is a 1 "pixel" think plane
  22. Note a variable on an Item is shared between all in game instances.
  23. Then you did not run "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace" as that is just "gradlew eclipse".
  24. What actually happens, does it render with the missing texture? Or Steve skin?
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