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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No that is not what I meant what does CapAttributePacket do?
  2. And WorldGenerator implements IWorldGenerator Here I meant in your growTreeMethod(...).
  3. When you apply the attribute you need to check if they have the attribute otherwise it will get set every update.
  4. Could you post updateAttributes and your LivingUpdateEvent. *Also post the console.
  5. Doesn't WorldGenAbstractTree implement IWorldGenerator and you never call the generation method you just create a new instance then never do anything.
  6. Post your rollStats method/code that adds/modifies the stats.
  7. Yes you need to register WorldGenerators.
  8. The method is actually called isValidArmor() in 1.10.2 and is contained in Item. To be more specific this is the declaration public boolean isValidArmor(ItemStack stack, EntityEquipmentSlot armorType, Entity entity)
  9. if (is != null && is.getItem() == Items.APPLE && is.getMetadata() == 1) { // Do stuff }
  10. I added the Capability, but i dont know how to test if it works ;( I cant find anything on livingdeathevent and isvalid armor, do you have a example code? Simple event Great tutorial (thanks cool alias): http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571567-forge-1-6-4-1-8-eventhandler-and @SubscribeEvent public void onLivingDeath(LivingDeathEvent event) { // Do exp handling } isValid(...) should be in item or ItemArmor
  11. This is a terrible idea I agree this is very resource intensive, but it definitely gets the job done. It is more of a "brute force" method.
  12. Use TickEvent.WorldTickEvent loop through the TileEntities access there ItemStacks and call Item#onUpdate(...).
  13. You should update to 1.8.9 atleast.
  14. Instead of Overriding just add a button like you would with your own gui, not sure if reflection is necessary though.
  15. This is something i never would have guessed you need to register that TileEntity.
  16. There are still numerous different problems, is something null is there a infinite loop, etc. Please post the crash report.
  17. Gee I wonder what the problem is? (There is no problem posted other than it crashed)
  18. Yep, only gets called three times now for all three dimensions. Still, the border won't work. Inb4: I was looking through CommandWorldBorder and realized setCenter arguments are double and they get incremented by 0.5. With hope that this is the problem, I changed the line in my code to this worldborder.setCenter((double)x+0.5D, (double)z+0.5D); And it still won't work. I'm pretty sure set center does not change the length of the world border.
  19. You meant tick not second correct?
  20. Sadly there is not much of a way to do this, the only way is to limit how often the code is ran. This is also why not all TileEntities tick. An Idea would be to have it only happen with about a 10% chance? Maybe higher or lower. He does this to copy the TileEntity data over. Though you are right he could just do a World#setTileEntity(this) then change the variables. *Edit World#setTileEntity(pos, new TileEntityClass(then pass)) or similar.
  21. Have your ItemArrow extend ItemArrow and override createArrow(...) in here you create a EntityArrow aka your arrow will need to extend EntityArrow. Note: This is for 1.10.2. *Edit This is not possible in 1.8.9 and below aas far as I am aware of.
  22. Look in Gui#keyTyped(...) in here is where the gui is closed when the inventory key is pressed.
  23. Use the WorldLoadEvent instead of OreGenEvent.Post as that will get called a lot.
  24. That is a weird error it looks like it is looking for "minecraft:blocks/saltBlock" and if you have commented out the whole mod then this error shouldn't be showing up...hmmm what a mystery.
  25. There is no error with the log. The game loads normally. But the texture in game does not work. I did get rid of that stuff, but as I stated above, it comes up with the no texture in my inventory or in hand. Use the parent "item/handheld" this is the one that vanilla uses. And in the one you posted drop the entire "display" tag.
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