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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. I do need a two output, and it is crucial to my mod. So even if it is difficult, I need to find a way to get is done. The only difference between the vanilla furnace and what you have described is the output s9 i would thoroughly read through the furnace files mainly the tileentity, block, furnace recipes, and as Draco18s stated prior to me the json files.
  2. You have to replace the instances with your own custom ones.
  3. I may be mistaken, but why dont you just add your AxisAlignedBB into the List parameter in Block#addCollisionBoxToList(...)
  4. So you have multiple blocks placed? If do i would ask why it is only reading and writing once in the log. Post the whole log.
  5. Do you happen to have two tileentities placed or is it just sending the packet twice? Also i do not see anythi g wrong with your reading and writing or getUpdatePacket and onDataPacket.
  6. Define work partly and problem.
  7. Was there an error in the log also you should only be registering models on the client.
  8. The jumpyness you are talking about is actuallly because there is a syncing problem between server and client one is running faster than the other. Sending more updates would make this worse sending less updates would make it not as accurate as it is. This is the problem tou are facing i think the only way to do this would to be overriding all entities you want with the EntityConstructingEvent or sad to say a coremod. All the update stuff is hardcoded so no Reflection is possible.
  9. I do t think this will work, but i have not tried. If the prior metioned method doesnt work try using BakedModels and if that doesnt work sadly i think you will have to resort to a TESR.
  10. Ok you have an egg for an Entity hoe did you register the renderer? Define doesn't do anything.
  11. You are not comparing metadata from the stacks so what you are doing is hey is this a ston block which will be true for diorite andesite granite and smooth stone.
  12. That would be very simple just do it before the game actually starts loading and by that i mean before it starts loading the resources.
  13. Modifying a vanilla method is not supported by forge or this forum as that requires editing base classes which is a coremod.
  14. and whats the event for death? I believe it is called LivingDeathEvent.
  15. I think you meant client-side-only proxy.
  16. When dealing with resources do not use capital letters.
  17. When you register your Block register an ItemBlock like so. GameRegistry.register(new ItemBlock(block).setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()));
  18. Not a download post it.
  19. For the creative tab you have to set it using Block#setCreativeTab(creativeTab)
  20. 1.7 is not supported on this forum anymore once a moderator sees this thread it will be locked and asked to update so please update.
  21. It calls on the server side if false()l!world.isRemote this is server side)
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