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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You can use Reflection to access this private field.
  2. I didn't see a register call for your GuiHandler you need to do NetworkRegisty.INSTANCE(instance()).registerGuiHandler(...);
  3. Did you register the renderer?
  4. You will have to write the data the tool material stores to nbt and read the data from nbt in the methods that call for them.
  5. Call damageItem instead
  6. Do you mean a new ItemStack?
  7. Could you fix your post? I think you typed inside the quote.
  8. Im pretty sure it needs to be an entity or something that can store data and move
  9. I would say put your "Enums" first then Minecrafts, and hopefully MInecraft won't change the order.
  10. Then you didn't do it right. Do you ever call load()?
  11. What?! And What?! Sorry i am a bit sleepy i meant to say did i do this right. i am trying to register a keybinding The best way to check is does it work in the game? (Does it appear in the keybindings menu?)
  12. What?! And What?!
  13. That means you aren't overriding a method (method signature doesn't match anything). You need to go look at the parent class to determine what the new signature is. I don't see that method #onEntityWalking in 1.8 Why is the #onEntityCollidedWithBlock is not working for me in 1.8? in 1.7.10 instead of the BlockPos parameter, it was x, y, z but I did not change anything else? Sry to bother you but I'm sure this is something pitifully simple I'm just f---ing missing it Block#onEntityWalk(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn) and Block#public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Entity entityIn) (Which is only called when the entity is within the collision bounds).
  14. Call VillageRegistry#addExtraVillageComponents(...) Which takes in a list of StructureVillagePieces#PieceWeight which takes in a StructureVillagePieces#Village which has a spawnVillagers method inside of it. This will allow you to add to the structure of villages and spawn in your Entity.
  15. Do you use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(...) in preInit?
  16. So you have a MovingObjectPosition? Then it is as simple as MovingObjectPosition#.entity(Hit) != null then you have an entity. If not you should get one from rayTracing
  17. I think what you are looking for is a MovingObjectPosition which is basically a vector that holds the hit Block or Entity. World#getEntitiesWithinAABB...() is for splash damage (splash potions or AOE sword swings).
  18. If it is placing a block you should otherwise you do not need to.
  19. Your computer only holds one forge source per version (for obvious reasons), but I don't know what would have caused this error. That at least explains why it would mess up all of them.
  20. If you implement IWorldGenerator it will show you what the method should be assuming you are using an IDE like eclipse.
  21. Try rendering your spear instead of the arrow because I am assuming that your spear is bigger than the arrow.
  22. Well did the textures load? Were there any errors in the log? warnings in the log?
  23. I know it is used to see if the player can edit Blocks in Adventure mode I don't know about what draco18s said.
  24. I would make a int that determines which one is selected and render it based on that.
  25. You will have to create a new AI similar to AINearestAttackableEntity.
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