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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You will have to make your own instance of MovingObjectPosition using Vectors.
  2. You have layer_0 and layer_1, but in code you say layer_1 and layer_2.
  3. I beleive it is just ChatFormatting they removed the Enum, cant check though.
  4. The error is you check if the client players name is the same as the passed name, if not you return null. You then try to do something with that null variable. As Matryoshika said the server knows where the players are, while the client does not.
  5. You could do this with mcp, but you need the mod authors permission, but as Leviathan143 said you will probably be better off doing it from scratch.
  6. It is mostly done, if not it is complete.
  7. You would do it the same way you would ores, but instead of WorldGenMinable you need to make your own for trees, or you might be able to use a vanilla one.
  8. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on these forums please update.
  9. Your best bet would be to make sure you initialize everything that you are registering a render to or put a println before you actually register the tender that will tell you which one it is.
  10. What is #down and all the others you never point to a texture.
  11. Whatever item is at 652 is never initialized and if it is it is null. *Edit An item you pass into registerRender is null.
  12. In the blocks clads override a method i believe it is called getDrops() don't quote me on that...
  13. Yes because Blocks and Items are Singletons.
  14. First thing you should do is look in the IEnergy files. And you never call removeElectroliun. Or add an itemstack to the players inventory.
  15. You need to go into the run configurations and remove the one line in the VM args.
  16. The problem is you are returning and then trying to do something please learn a little more before coming back also your IDE tells you what is wrong assuming you are using eclipse or intelij.
  17. Anywhere else that offers it. Tutorials, any existing thread, etc.
  18. Two things 1.7.10 is not supported here you may update then come back with the code. And if it crashes we need the crash report.
  19. Well then you are going to have to add A new layer to your entity. this.addLayer and you need to pass in a ModelBiped.
  20. Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBiped getArmorModel(EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack itemStack, EntityEquipmentSlot armorSlot, net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBiped _default) { return null; } In your Armors Class.
  21. The 10 there states it is saving ItemStacks not anything else. *Edit Don't mind me just being kinda brain dead....
  22. I dont think onCollideWithPlayer is ever called because it is not overriding anything, and you never call it.
  23. Instead of using an Item or a Block use an ItemStack and i believe it is metadata, if not it is nbt.
  24. Which constructor does your GUI use?
  25. *Defeats the whole purpose. DO NOT USE A LOOP ANYWHERE IN YOUR CODE. The tick event handler IS the loop. Ok.. So basically what I had was WHILE harvest was enabled (enabled by the key press), do some stuff including press down a key, after the key is pressed down I need to count ticks and when x ticks have gone by, release the key. How would I go about doing this if I cant use a while loop? *Defeats the whole purpose. DO NOT USE A LOOP ANYWHERE IN YOUR CODE. The tick event handler IS the loop.
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