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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You csnt access the items container as a new onstance is created every time, same with the inventory h9wever you can access the nbt.
  2. Chunk coords are completely different that what you are looking for you can grab the position from the MovingObjectPosition.
  3. does tileX tileY tileZ ever get set to a number?
  4. Dont use the deprecated version use the GameRegistry.register (item.setRegistryName (name) not unlocalized name I don't see the problem with the code I gave. I use it in my 1.10.2 mod and it works perfectly. The problem is that it will be removed in the next version of minecraft and you will need to change it anyway.
  5. Why not show the crash report in the spoiler.
  6. I dont think you are going about this correctly. You create a class that implements IWorldGenerator that class handles what you are generating. You only need to put GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator () in your init method.
  7. Dont use the deprecated version use the GameRegistry.register (item.setRegistryName (name) not unlocalized name
  8. Ifnit is a custom projectile there is an onImpact method, otherwise use the ThrowableImpactEvent
  9. What are you asking exactly i dont quite understand.
  10. First you could register a world generator or you could use the generation events
  11. Almost anything is an IForgeRegistryObject Items and Blocks are the mainly used one but Enchantments and PotionEffects(something to do with potions). You need to call setRegistryName on the object first or it will not work, but for blocks you need to register the item as well as the blocks themselves or there won't be any Item for the block.
  12. You should be calling update in your TE's class not the TESR class move the EntityItem object to your TE's class.
  13. Your Welcome have fun. :3
  14. Java uses objects for checking if something is equal instead you should check if pos.getX() = thispos.getX() etc.
  15. Is it x + y * 9 or x + y * 11, change it to the other and see if that changes it.
  16. No 99, the number of ItemStacks the TE should contain.
  17. The render code doesn't handle the yaw/pitch changes or the motion changes it grabs those from the EntityItem. Create the EntityItem in your TileEntity and call EntityItem.update in your TE's update method.
  18. getSizeInventory returns 9 kinda surprised you didn't get an Array out of Bounds Exception..
  19. Can I see your TE class. * Edit shouldn't the 11 be a 9 for when you are calculating the index?
  20. I want to say you might need to hard code the rendering, but if you can create and add a Model only client side you may be able to use BlockRendererDispatcher.renderBlock...
  21. There is a world renderer, but why would you only want to render the block client side?
  22. What are you trying to animate exactly the rotation or the up and down motion. Because the rotation is messing with the yaw/pitch, and the up and down can be handled using the motionY. And don't set the position every tick when you create it is when you should set it.
  23. Use the minecraft forge event bus they merged them.
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