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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. A lot of convoluted stuff trying to get it to work. Here is what you should do to debug this. Your IDE should have a debug mode. This lets you stop code execution an go line by line through your code. If you don't know how to use this already you should look it up and learn it. It is extremely powerful tool. Step through your code and find logic errors. It looks like you might have several or even a single if statement that is incorrect.
  2. Check the input slots if there is a recipe and if its result will be able to fit in the output slots. Count ticks until the recipe is completed then remove the input items and add to the output. It's not hard. It's just logical if A do a if B do b.
  3. It's called on both sides from each of those methods I posted. That execute at "the same time".
  4. Create a class that extends Screen make it render your stuff(this hasn't changed much from previous versions except buttons take a lambda now and have no id). Then call Minecraft#displayGuiScreen with your screen. Make sure you only call the code for opening it on the client.
  5. I'm not sure maybe onBlockActivated or from an older version.
  6. Are we talking guis that have items in them(they access an inventory) or just a screen that renders something.
  7. This is wrong. It's called 4 times because it is executed in two separate places when a block(Chunk#setBlockState and ForgeHooks.onPlaceItemIntoWorld) is placed then we have both sides. Which comes out to be 4.
  8. There is a difference between 1.14 and 1.12. You don't use LazyOptional you just access your IItemHandler(ItemStackHandler) directly. LazyOptional is a wrapper around capability values in future versions IE it could contain a value or it could not.
  9. You can change that by calling setDefaultState in your constructor. IE setDefaultState(getDefaultState().with(...))
  10. It should not work. And if it does there is something very very wrong. Which doesn't any sense what so ever. And thus maybe a new world or new forge setup is needed.
  11. So you have the Jar file download onto your computer? Good just move it into the .minecraft/mods folder and launch forge. If you don't have forge installed you need to install it. You will need to download it from here. It will be a jar file you will need to run it with the javaw application. If it doesn't give you this option and you don't want to find it in your program files folders you can instead just download and run this as long as you do have Java installed.
  12. I can't replicate your issue on my own block. @Override public void tick(BlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Random random) { System.out.println(worldIn.getBlockState(pos).get(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING)); worldIn.setBlockState(pos, state.cycle(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING)); System.out.println(worldIn.getBlockState(pos).get(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING)); } It prints as expected. I am unsure as to why it isn't working for you.
  13. state = state.with... However that only changes the memory address of that variable it doesn't change anything else. BlockStates are singletons just like Blocks.
  14. Explain the full process step by step from the beginning.
  15. This line of code doesn't change the state variable you have. It changes the state in the world. So your println should look like this. worldIn.getBlockState(pos).get(READY);
  16. No. You should post your code. And yes your modid needs to be present.
  17. Look at your Container's constructor. By receive I mean change the parameter to accept your TileEntity.
  18. It was not done automatically. The blockstate was done automatically then you specify the model in there.
  19. Take a look at your Containers constructor. Your TileEntityShardFuser is not an IInventory(nor should it be). Change your constructor to receive your TileEntity.
  20. You may want to fix that. The model can only be so big as a JSON
  21. Yes it does. All ItemBlocks are Items therefore you must treat them as Items. Read here.
  22. Did you use the ModelRegistryEvent and ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation to give the ItemBlock a model?
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