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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Dont do this, to use ObjectHolder they have to be null. Plus they shouldn't be instantiated using a static initializer. Use a HashSet, then iterate when you register. You can literally add it to the set from inside the constructor. You also need to set the registry name there.
  2. My last recommendation is to step through the mob spawning code with the debugger built into your IDE.
  3. Try removing your BiomeDictionary registries.
  4. It's probably java 6 as that's really old, but it might be java 7. Definitely not 8.
  5. Could you tell me what the parameter names for Biome.SpawnListEntry are, that may solve your problem.
  6. @Vert3x I'm sorry but that version isn't supported here because of its age. No one on here is going to remember how to set it up or even mod for it.
  7. Post your log it should throw an error with information necessary to correct this.
  8. This is what is wrong. It should just be minecraft:acacia_log Correct, typically.
  9. You have two options: save the data to the player aswell as the entity or sync the data from the server to the client on request for the gui.
  10. Anything below 1.9.8 is unsupported on this forum, please update to receive assistance.
  11. You cannot use that for this event you will have too add it manually to MinecraftForge.ORE_GEN_BUS(or something like that)
  12. Is that even out for 1.13? And this would essentially require this
  13. As far as I am aware there is no current way to go from a 1.13 to a 1.12 world. No one has made an application to do so yet. You will probably need to rebuild the whole house in 1.12.2 using your 1.13 world as a template.
  14. Because you are not specifying your account that you want to play as in the program arguments. There is a post on here about that and it was posted in just recently.
  15. No, the debug.log found in the logs folder, or the latest.log if you don't have a debug.log.
  16. EntityLivingBase#getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttribute...).applyModifer(new AttributeModifer)
  17. I think that only affects players, but I am not sure. Seeing as how searching the whole repository I found nothing about SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED in any AI or entity class that was not EntityPlayer.
  18. I don't think that is how this works. I believe hamachi is just a way to get around port-forwarding. So you can't use the LAN feature within the Minecraft game, you have to run the server application.
  19. You will have to apply an AttributeModifer to the health attribute.
  20. This is so if you are lagging and the entity you're trying to attack has moved away from you before you have noticed it.
  21. You can read this if you want to use the annotation system to create your config. Or in your FMLPreInitializationEvent method you can call FMLPreInitializaionEvent#getSuggestedConfigFile() which will give you a File with the suggested path(a cfg file in the config directory with your mods modid as the file name). Then you can create a new instance of Configuration with said File instance and then use the methods within that instance to construct your config file and load data into fields.
  22. You can store a static field in a class and initialize it in the registry event and then register them.
  23. Quite a lot of objects in Minecraft are are singletons, objects where there is only one instance. IE there is only one IRON_INGOT. So instead of using Object#equals just use "==". And you shouldn't worry about comparison checks you can do millions potentially billions of them per second.
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