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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. There is, override applyEntityAttributes and register a new RangedAttribute with your new range and calculate the max health based off of that attribute.
  2. Of course. But going by this logic he shouldn't be developing at all, because 1.13 isnt out yet. Because there would be no point in releasing the mod for 1.12 if it uses too many block ids.
  3. I did already.
  4. No, Its gotta be more complicated than that because if it was that simple why have an installer.
  5. Sounds like there is only one instance of each animation field, are they static? They shouldn't be.
  6. Use the installer, or if you are so dead set on doing it yourself you will need to look at what the installer does via its code, which you can find on github.
  7. If I'm not mistaken BakedQuads store a texture of sorts you can generate that with code.
  8. You would be wrong. assets.modid.models.item... Does not equal assets.modid.models.item You have the prior, you need the later. I said not to use them. Not because it doesn't work, but because of bad programming practices. One of which being IHasModel.
  9. Hmmm I wonder. Check your file paths including your folders. Please don't.
  10. Use an IWorldGenerator instance like you would normally, but check if it is not within x amount of blocks of 0, 0(I think that is the location of the main island).
  11. What does entity box mean? Are the values changing on the client?
  12. this.model.setRotationAndAngles(...) Dont quote me on the method name lol
  13. As far as the game is concerned your item is not an armor piece. You will need a Layer Model like Jabelar said in his first post.
  14. In the renderer class. IE where the Model fields are stored.
  15. This part is mainly caused by them having to rewrite the whole API. Many mod developers or just straight up developers will tell you that it is a complicated system. Also I believe most people working on forge have a job outside of working on forge, which complicates things. However it is making significant progress and a majority of it is done, but that doesn't mean it will be released this week or next week. I am not a developer of forge so I cant say anything for sure. You won't have to worry about this, at most the thread will be deleted and a "strike" will be added to your account.
  16. Take a look at GuiFurnace.
  17. Guis haven't changed much if at all between past versions and now, so basically any tutorial is a good starting place. If you want more specific help, can you ask more specific questions? Edit: Wow, ok did not even get these messages until after I exited and reloaded the topic.
  18. EntityLiving#setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot, ItemStack) which you can do in the entities constructor.
  19. This isn't the correct value, the player has a posY field.
  20. Obsolete when used as a verb means " cause (a product or idea) to be or become obsolete by replacing it with something new."(A simple google search would let you know this). Following this definition Forge versions and Minecraft versions less than 1.12 and 1.13, each for their respective versions, are obsolete. No, you aren't coming off as "rude or ignorant", you are being rude and ignorant. No, there was no argument here that went against peoples freedom. No one here is arguing that you shouldn't develop mods for older versions or use mods for older versions. We are discussing the reason why people are doing such a thing. This isn't completely true, model JSONs can be automated with external code(creates a default JSON model for an object) or internal code(has a custom IBakedModel). Events have become easier, registering objects to the game became as simple as initializing an instance of it giving it a registry name and adding it to a list. The list goes on. I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, but it isn't "more stable for mods" all of the Minecraft versions are stable and Forge versions are stable when released and bug fixes go into it and more features are added. First off no one is whining that people are not leaving a version. Its just rather irritating to repeat the same phrase multiple times a day "Anything below 1.9 is no longer supported on this forum, please update to receive assistance. " or "It's 4 years old." And second off you are the one who is whining, about people discussing there opinions on a forum with other people who share the same opinion and people who have the opposite opinion. And instead of joining the conversation in an adult or mature manner you decided to insult them and tell people to die. People have a right to say what they want, and if you are getting sick of reading the same thing over and over again, DON'T READ IT, DON'T LOG IN TO THE FORUMS, DON'T ASSOCIATE WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE THAT OPINION. You have a choice.
  21. Did you register the event class as I said above? It doesn't matter where you define it.
  22. Assuming you mean the RegistryEvents meant for those specific types... If you put the @EvenBusSubscriber annotation on your class and make the methods static it will register the events or you could just put MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(newInstanceOfEventClass) in any of the events in your @Mod file.
  23. I don't see how this is possible seeing as how none of your Block fields are instantiated and you base all of your Items off of those fields.
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