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Everything posted by hydroflame
specify ? logs, code, whats the goal of calling this method, whats not working, what are you trying to do
in your class extending itemFood, change the itemUseDuration thats wrong becase itemUseDuration is final try making a class that extends Item and copy the code of ItemFood, call this class ItemFoodCustom or wtv and remove final from the itemUseDuration THEN try to make a class extends ItemFoodCustom and change the itemUseDuration
look on the wiki for nbt and possibly this post as it containt a valuable guide for everything in forge (specially first answer) http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1892328-need-a-highly-detailed-152-guide/ as for shooting out of the hand instead of the head, you would have to make a class like EntityThrowable and change the spawn position to that its place at steve's hand position
place a delay in the nbt of the itemstack then onItemUse check if it has been enough time since last shot ps: people will still be able to switch between 2 itemstack and still sortof spam, but itll limit the spamming becuase it would be kinda annoying to 1, right-click, 2, right-click, 1, right-click, 2, right-click, 1, right-click, 2, right-click, 1, right-click, 2, right-click
GL11.glScalef(1/50f, 1/50f, 1/50f);
just do this if(player.ticksExisted % 220==0)functiontoApplyNightVision();
How to check how long an item is held down for
hydroflame replied to chimera27's topic in Modder Support
player.setItemInUse(gunStack); player.setEating(false); -
[Solved]Attempted to load a proxy type, but the types don't match
hydroflame replied to WayofTime's topic in Modder Support
what mazetar said, your client proxy is importing WayofTime.alchemicalWizardryCommonProxy which doesnt exists because its actually WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.common.CommonProxy note the package declaration at the begining of both class. having different names causes the compiler to not understand wtf you're talking about pro tip and trick: in eclipse, pressing ctrl+O will fix all import problem -
[Solved]Attempted to load a proxy type, but the types don't match
hydroflame replied to WayofTime's topic in Modder Support
i can try to help if you DONT use pastebin (my work network blocks it) use the code tag instead -
How to check how long an item is held down for
hydroflame replied to chimera27's topic in Modder Support
well ... maybe you could ... i don't know .... NOT include that part of the vanilla bow code ....... ......... ...... .... if that doesnt work i suggest you use the custom nbttagcompound on the item stack to keep track of the number of tick this was behing held for somehting like onUsingItemTick(args){ this.nbtwtv.setInteger(this.nbtwtv.getInteger("tickheld")+1); } onPlayerStoppedUsing(args){ this.nbtwtv.setInteger("tickheld", 0); } -
bahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha Mazetar you are my hero!!!! that post (on MFC) is awesome!! people should reaaaally learn to code before starting to make mods i didn't say anything
no i mean seriously, watchout to not be overwhelmed because im doing something similar and i know you will find a loooooot of bug good luck have fun
again if you use a EntityLivingHurtEvent you could check there what weapon the attacking player is holding and increase the damage as it fits
you're gonna have to make a handler for RenderGameOverlayEvent to render the mana, to make it regenarate you're goign to need a TickHandler that ticks every second and regenerate the mana there. to store the mana you're goign to need some sort of data structure (hashmap) and store a relation between the players and the mana (String -> float[]{min, max} OR EntityPlayer -> float[]{min, max}) to restore on hit just to a PlayerInterractEvent handler, you will also need to send the update on mana via packet handling either make a base class change (making your mod incompatible) or do use a EntityLivingHurtEvent handler (or wtv its called) and transform the damage there (aka if you receive 5 dmg the end damage would be 5/250 of max hp) youll also need a RenderGameOverlayEvent handler for this as steve HUD health is based on a 20 basis (20 half heart) or you could just cancel the damage if its not close enough to be 1 after transform (aka if you receive 5 you would take technicly 5/250 of your hp but that not even 1/20, so just make the dmg zero and update whenever the damage pass a 1/20 threshold) same as health, make basechange OR deal with it in a event handler ps:you're trying to do a lot... do what you want
look at the vanilla achievement system. you can ripoff 99% of it and use it as you wish
have you even tried it with every tick? are you expecting the results of ruby to be comparable to those of java, because ruby is an interpreted language while java is compiled to bytecode making it's speed WAY closer to native speed. If you don't trust me go ahead make it every 6000 tick, but at least try it EDIT: i tried it with my server (performance similar to yours) and this part of the code did not affect my performance even by the smallest amount. To check the difference, look at the average tick time on your server with and without, you should NOT see a difference as ~7 addition and ~12 multiplication/division is nothing for a machine these days, even with only a 1ghz cpu.
Large rectangle appears when entity shot?
hydroflame replied to Fruitsalid's topic in Modder Support
ok, well 2 things, either this code is copy pasted, either you name your variable in very weird ways (f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6) in either case im not suuure exactly where the problem is because im not sure hat youre trying to do but honestly by looking at the code it seems that the picture is doign EXACTLY what you asked it to do... tessellator.addVertex(-8.0D, -2.0D, 0.0D); tessellator.addVertex(8.0D, -2.0D, 0.0D); tessellator.addVertex(8.0D, 2.0D, 0.0D); tessellator.addVertex(-8.0D, 2.0D, 0.0D); ^ this is a pretty big rectangle actually GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); ^ blending is enabled so you expect your bolt to be transparent, texture2D are DISABLED, so no image on your bullets and lighting disabled... result may vary since its LWJGL and opengl1 i would try to play with glEnable/glDisable those 3 thing above. other then that, if you want to play if safe, remove a MAX ammount of code and add little by little and hum ..... if you dont know what the code is doing ... try understanding first ... usually copy paste dont get prople very far ..... sorry if its mean :\ -
Large rectangle appears when entity shot?
hydroflame replied to Fruitsalid's topic in Modder Support
damn, can you show us the render code ? -
Large rectangle appears when entity shot?
hydroflame replied to Fruitsalid's topic in Modder Support
use imagebin or wtv -
Large rectangle appears when entity shot?
hydroflame replied to Fruitsalid's topic in Modder Support
It : the visual problem ? as like, randomly cows will start flickering/changing color or wtv is it that your visual bug do ? -
Large rectangle appears when entity shot?
hydroflame replied to Fruitsalid's topic in Modder Support
<troll> pic or it didnt happen </troll> no no just kidding, but srly can we have some pic / video so we can understand whats going on because since you are usign a renderer, the problem can now be anything, maybe its you graphic card, maybe your opengl 1 setting are in an odd state causing this effect etc etc -
Large rectangle appears when entity shot?
hydroflame replied to Fruitsalid's topic in Modder Support
you would have to 1 change the entity size and 2 make a renderer (like i said earlier). EntityThrowable will always be rendered in a way that will make them look like the image is facing the player, if you want to have more realistic bullet you're gonna have to make a class extends Render and register it in your client proxy -
//hides package com.hydroflame.mod; import java.util.EnumSet; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import cpw.mods.fml.common.ITickHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.TickType; public class ServerPlayerTickHandler implements ITickHandler{ @Override public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) tickData[0] //do stuff with the player } @Override public EnumSet<TickType> ticks() { return EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER); } @Override public String getLabel() { return null; } } //hidee
not compared to most problem, this time the right thing is happening on server side but not on client side so heres how it goes, im spawning an entity server side (some sort of AOE that will damage living inside it) it gets spawn client side too, but this entity will move itself client side because it doesnt like to be in collision with blocks (the aoe doesnt care about living) so i spawn the entity 1 block deep in the ground, server side will keep it there but client side will move it one block up to the surface. here my onupdate method, on the constructor i have noClip = true; but that doesnt seem to change anything @Override public void onUpdate(){ this.lastTickPosX = this.posX; this.lastTickPosY = this.posY; this.lastTickPosZ = this.posZ; updateEntity(); ticksExisted++; if(ticksExisted > tickAlive()){ this.setDead(); return; } if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { if(caster == null){ this.setDead(); return; } List list = this.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(this, this.boundingBox); EntityLiving entityliving = caster; EntityLiving touched; for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j) { Entity entity1 = (Entity)list.get(j); if (entity1.canBeCollidedWith()&& entity1 instanceof EntityLiving) { onImpact((EntityLiving)entity1); } } } im thinking maybe the game clinet side moves the bounding box around when he gets collision with block but i cant seem to find where, and more importantly, how to prevent it any help is appreciated, thanks ^^ edit: by saving the posX/Y/Z at the begining of the update method and restoring at the end i have determined that thsi change does NOT happen during the update phase :\, which actually leaves me even more clueless as to why this is happening SOLUTION: so further investigation demonstrate that a packet sent from the server (Packet30Entity) was causing this change. now why this packet had different data then the actual server values that i cannot tell exactly but it seems that it has something to do with the function expand(double, double, double) that the physics engine calls on server side my solution was to simply Override the setPositionAndRotation2 method from Entity and leave it blank, anyway in my case the movement are very precise and should require sync between the server and the client ... 3 view only and 2 of them are mine for my 2 edits ... jeez was this question that retarded ?
use a server tick handler instead, itll ball the method in the handler for every player without having to deal with the list