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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. I'm not sure, you could try asking the authors of the mods you want to update. Or suck it up, and ditch the mods made by lazy authors, and just use current ones. Then try making replacements for the ones that didn't update. You'd find help here in Modder Support for doing that if you ran into problems, I'm sure.
  2. Update to 1.10.2, 1.7.10 is not supported here. It says so right here in the rules: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20.0.html
  3. You should post logs to a github gist or something, instead of a 10 mile long quote. Also, update to 1.10.2, 1.7.10 is not supported here, as it is old. This is clearly stated in the EAQ which is supposed to be read before posting here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20.0.html
  4. Upgrade to 1.10.2, 1.7.10 is old and not supported anymore, per the EAQ: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20.0.html
  5. Update to 1.10.2, 1.7.10 is old and no longer supported. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20.0.html
  6. You'll only get forums help if you're using the latest Minecraft version, otherwise chances are any help requests will be met with "upgrade to 1.10.2, using 1.x.x you're on your own" (which makes sense, if everyone did that, everything would be current.)
  7. Try updating to 1.10.2 instead of using a really old version.
  8. LogManager.getLogger(MODID) will return you an instance of Logger that you can use to write log messages to the console. edit: Logger#info(String) is the method you probably want
  9. Mod IDs I believe it is advised they all be lowercase, and I also believe I have seen it said that renderers should be registered in preinit. Try changing those 2 things and see what happens
  10. Post your code or a link to it, and the Minecraft version you're working with please
  11. textures is spelled wrong
  12. Awesome thanks for the info and link! Hopefully it'll help my understanding more! Any other info you or anyone else has is welcome! Aside from most tutorials out there being for 1.7.10 (I hate that version so bad), most of them are code with little to no explanation, and I'm not big on cutting & pasting code I don't understand at least mostly.
  13. So I've mostly got my head wrapped around using an IWorldGenerator to generate ores, but I'm wondering about more information on how minecraft does world generation (dimensions/biomes/etc), and how all the classes relate to each other. I've tried looking at the vanilla code, but honestly there are so many classes I get lost and confused. Most of the "tutorials" I've found are basically just code, nothing actually explaining how things fit together and/or how they work. I'm not looking specifically for code, but more of a breakdown/explanation of how the different classes fit together and can be added/changed for custom world generation. Any advice or links would be greatly appreciated!
  14. So, a couple things I noticed Don't use GameRegistry.registerItem, use GameRegistry.register(Object) to register pretty much everything; items, blocks, biomes Don't use Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register, use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation use Item#setRegistryName before you register your item, and Item#getRegistryName instead of using getUnlocalizedName. and, I believe, the cause of the problem you're having, in your json you don't prefix your items/generic_item with your modid, that's why it's giving you an error about minecraft missing a resource, it's trying to look in the minecraft assets for your asset. *edit: And while I can clearly see the forge/minecraft version in your error log, it seems to be common practice to put the Minecraft version in the subject of your post.
  15. Try changing ModelResourceLocation("mapoverlay:item/tutorial_item", "inventory")); to ModelResourceLocation("mapoverlay:tutorial_item", "inventory")); Looking at a simple item I made, I didn't specify the "item/" in theModelResourceLocation call.
  16. You would want it to be /forge/src/main/resources/assets/mapoverlay/models/item/tutorial_item.json If it's throwing an error, what's it telling you?
  17. I believe your assets should be in your resources folder, not java.
  18. Start with simple stuff. A block that does nothing but has a custom texture. Make an item that does nothing. Make an item that's part of a recipe. Make an item that does something special/custom when you right click on it. Make a mob. Make another mob. Make those mobs hate each other and fight. Make some machines that must be manually interacted with. Make machines that are automatic. Figure out how to interface with another mod (Tinkers Construct and something that provides RF would be good choices IMO)
  19. Did you try trimming down your loot table to make it simple, to see if it works with just dropping 1 single simple item? For example, try using the loot table I posted that just drops a feather or 2. If that works, start changing 1 small thing at a time and testing.
  20. What was the solution?
  21. I honestly have no idea; my advice would be to trim down your loot table so that it only drops 1 simple item, then slowly build up from there. Also, where you have set_count, I have "minecraft:set_count", not sure if that makes a difference or not, but might be worth a try if it keeps giving you trouble.
  22. Maybe Block#onEntityCollidedWithBlock? I've never tried anything like what you're doing, but it might be worth looking into!
  23. /bin/assets/dgm/loot_tables/cheese_cow.json com.google.gson.JsonParseException: Loot Table "dgm:cheese_cow" Missing `name` entry for pool #0 That's the error, but I honestly don't know where you went wrong. My loot table is in assets\newmod\loot_tables\entities, called "DeathJaw.json". I never extended the LootTable class, I just have this line in a basic class that I planned to use for storing all my loot table registrations: public static final ResourceLocation ENTITIES_DEATHJAW = LootTableList.register(new ResourceLocation("newmod","entities/DeathJaw")); The only thing I can think to give a try based on what I see is try changing dgm:cheese to dgm:cheese_cow in your loot table json. *edit: but that doesn't even make sense, since name as far as I can tell is what you want to drop. What is the name of your loot table json, and where is it located?
  24. Same error? Post changed loot table/errors
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