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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. I read somewhere on here (I'll try to find the post) that you need to create (not register) your EntityType during Item registration, because Items register before EntityTypes, so if you create the EntityType during its registration, when the Item tries to register (before the EntityType), the resulting EntityType passed to the spawn egg is null. edit: Found the post: https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/75045-solved1144-entities-and-spawneggs/?tab=comments#comment-359588
  2. Versions below 1.14 are no longer supported on these forums due to age. Update to a modern version to receive support. If you are having issues with something modern, post logs for further assistance.
  3. I've found the people here very helpful on the few occasions I've asked questions, but I made sure to post a working GitHub repo and related logs. edit: modding isn't a good way to learn programming. Learn basic Java/oop first, even if it's just making simple txt based programs. One of the common issues is people with no programming knowledge (and I mean basics like syntax, classes, inheritance, and things like how overrides work) try to make mods, and MC/Forge are very complex without basic/intermediate programming skills. And of course, this is the Forge support forums, not Java support. People are happy to help with forge stuff, but when it becomes apparent that someone doesn't know basic Java, they're usually asked to go learn some before asking for further help.
  4. Versions older than 1.14 are no longer supported on the forums due to how old they are. If you wish to receive support, you will need to update to a modern version. See the LTS System link at the top of every page for more information
  5. Versions older than 1.14 are no longer supported on the forums due to how old they are. If you wish to receive support, you will need to update to a modern version. See the LTS System link at the top of every page for more information.
  6. Without your code/project and/or logs, there is no way for us to know! Post logs and your entire project as a github repo so others can build it, view the source, and the project structure, and chances are someone will find something
  7. Odds are once a moderator sees this thread, it will get locked, as these are just the forum rules (see LTS link at the top of the forums) I figured letting you know would get you a jump on seeking help for an old version elsewhere, instead of waiting around just to have your thread locked here. I wish you luck finding a solution!
  8. It simply means that version is no longer supported by these forums, and threads asking for help will generally get closed, with a request the user update to a modern version (essentially the last 2 major versions, as of right now 1.14 and 1.15) Info on the versions supported can be found at the top of the page by clicking the "New LTS system" link.
  9. You should not resurrect old threads because they seem to be the same problem as your own. Changes are good that the issue is different despite the symptoms appearing the same. That being said, 1.12.2 is no longer supported on these forums due to age. Update to a modern version (1.14.4+) to receive support.
  10. If you just use %APPDATA% in your run command, can you find the .minecraft folder manually that way? Not sure if it would matter or not, but I'd also make sure to run vanilla MC first before installing forge.
  11. 1.12.2 is no longer supported on these forums due to age. Update to a modern (1.14.4+) version to receive support.
  12. 1.12.2 is no longer supported on these forums due to age. Update to a modern (1.14.4+) version to receive support.
  13. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on these forums because it is ancient. Update to a modern (1.14.4+) version to receive help here.
  14. If you are using 1.14.4+, post your logs, if using a lower version, you will need to update to receive support here
  15. Since these forums are supposed to be in English, here's the translation according to google translate:
  16. No, you will still need to use packets when the data is updated; the events are only for players logging in, respawning, or changing dimensions, because during those events, I believe the player does not have the data, and will need it resynced/copied to them in those events.
  17. Then those mods are fabric mods and will not work with forge. Remove them and try relaunching.
  18. Do you have a pause at the end of your batch file? Are any server logs being generated? Post your batch file (not as an attached file, but as plain txt), as well as any logs that get generated. Unfortunately, there is not enough information in your original post to determine the problem.
  19. Create a new thread, and post your logs. There are likely enough differences in your issues that yours is separate/different.
  20. Delete all mods you downloaded from that site, and don't visit it. Redownload them from curseforge. I personally only download from Curseforge, or directly from the developers website (don't be fooled by fakes either!!!). Also, visit https://stopmodreposts.org for a list (the link to the list is at the bottom of the page on the left) of websites that you should never visit for MC stuff.
  21. I guess now is the time to ask if you know Java? You were given examples to research (the HorseEntity and MinecartEntity in the vanilla source), as well as all the pieces you would need to code together to build the GUI you are talking about. This should be more than enough information to get started, and if what you try doesn't work, post your code on github as a working repository (i.e. so that it could be downloaded/built), and post a link here along with a detailed description of the issue.
  22. You should create your own thread instead of reviving a thread that is 5+ years old. Chances are your problem is not exactly the same. That being said, 1.7.10 is no longer supported on these forums due to how old it is. You would need to update to a modern (1.14+) version for support here.
  23. 1.8.9 is no longer supported on these forums due to age. Update to a modern (1.14+) version if you wish to receive support here.
  24. You are using worldedit for 1.14.4 with 1.15.1 Update the mod and see if that works
  25. 1.12 is no longer supported, you will need to update to 1.14+ to receive support on this site.
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