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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. Update Forge.
  2. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/529062d73f5691d4a6cecd374daf46d1ed66dcb8
  3. Thread closed for being to fucking stupid to post your god damn logs. THERE IS TEXT ON THE SCREEN post it.
  4. No need for 1.5 Just fucking install forge properly and it'll work.
  5. Whatever tool you used to combine the jars corrupted them. Redownload forge and try again.
  6. Its there, if its not for you then you have the wrong version of MCP.
  7. Yes, reflection is not handled hence why the reflection helper class allows you to specify many names. And to use it, just when you reobfusicate, pass the --srgnames as a argument. Instead of obfuscating to notching names 'aby.a' it'll obfuscate to srg names 'net.minecraft.world.World.field_46592_a' Which typically do not change cross versions so, in theory if you only use things that do not change, you'll be fine cross versions.
  8. Typically this means that you have installed a version of forge for the wrong version of minecraft such as installing forge for 1.4.7 on snapshots, or 1.3.2
  9. (Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable) what does that mean? Also, i'm gunna guess that somehow the file isnt giving you read access? Can you go in and make sure you have read/write access to it?
  10. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/commit/1642bad402efe819f4e763bf4b460d8c04194849
  11. Java 5 has been dead for several years now, Minecraft itself is even dropping support for it. You need to update to at least java6.
  12. Make sure you're running at least java6 and what archive tool are you using, the one that comes default with macs does not work with jar files correctly.
  13. FML's log provides more info but it seems that something inside your mods folder or coremods folder is point at what im gunna assume is a corrupt file.
  14. No, you don't, you have 515 like it says, latest forge for 1.4.7 is 534. Please follow basic instructions.
  15. That is not a error, its just MagicLauncher thinking its a error, just launch the damn game and you're fine.
  16. You've done something wrong in your installation of your mod, not a forge issue.
  17. Interesting.. this honestly looks like a bit of harddrive corruption. Something caused your file to be filled with nulls. Delete the file and reload the game.
  18. 'forge' doesn't use a internal server. MINECRAFT does. And you wont experience FPS lag when the SERVER lags because it's on a different thread, and uness you have a really really bad computer, threads dont effect each other.
  19. remove all of your mods and try again. 'Lag' is not a forge issue, its a mod and computer issue, either a mod is programmed poorly and eats up to much resources, or your computer simply cant handle that many mods.
  20. Yes can you please do as I freakin ask and upload the damn file?
  21. MinecraftForge v6.6.0.497 Initialized
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