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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. You are banned because you, your nickname, your ip, or anything matches one of our ban records. And the bans are there to keep the people who match them out of the channel. Simple as that, If you're banned and you think it wasnt you bitch at someone else on your network. Accessing this website, the irc channel, or any form of communication with us is a PRIVILEGE not a right. So really, figure out why you were banned. And don't bitch about it.
  2. No its not normal, and its not empty, at least it shouldn't be. It my be 'invisible' characters. So unless the filesize is 0 bytes.
  3. upload a zip of your forge.cfg file to somewhere.
  4. Thats not coming from forge, thats coming from some other mod you have installed.
  5. Saving log message...?
  6. The multiple sprite sheets has been taken out of forge, there is no need for it anymore with the new system. You will use vanilla MC features in 1.5
  7. delete your coremods folder, seems that something in chickencore is having issues.
  8. Not an issue, read the commit logs, please don't report snapshot issues without fully researching them.
  9. If you're banned then you should be banned you did something worthy of being banned. Avoiding it, and being as fucking stupid to announce that you're avoid it will get you nothing but a harder ban.
  10. Everything seems fine, those folders only have two file in them both beginning with . which makes them invisible by default on macs. The source is in forge/mcp/src/minecraft You need to use eclipse and set the workspace to forge/mcp/eclipse
  11. Because nobody has looked at it yet -.- This is an issue usually whne you install Forge into a wrong MC version. Make sure you've installed it to 1.4.7 Or try a different launcher.
  12. The mod IronChest (Iron Chest) requires mod versions [FML@[4.7.22,)] Forge Mod Loader version Update, pretty freakin obvious -.-
  13. That wasnt your full log, that log stated everything went fine. hence why he didnt know, either way dont be a dick, locked.
  14. Dont use MCPatcher.
  15. you need to kill mojang's, not ours.
  16. General practice on most servers is to have a reboot cycle. Every day or two, kill the server, backup the world, clean/store logs and restart. Each step is important as backups are always good.
  17. The worlds are not corrupt, and in these cases if the modder used the tools they have properly they would not even see this message. However, there is a reason why the warning screen has a option to say continue.
  18. That, i haven't looked into for a long time, as far as I remember invalid entities should not be in that list in vanilla. So, in vanilla it is not needed.
  19. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,5442.msg29619.html#msg29619 Search please.
  20. Due to several changes where we defer removal until later times, the tile entities in the chunk can be invalid, so yes, this is needed.
  21. Spent a little bit on those servers, The only invisible players that I ran into were the ghosts in the games, which well, is there point... Aside from that all of the players with colored names render just fine. And beyond that, i tried a few other games and everyone rendered just fine,save for some lag issues. Every player that the client is told about, it rendering every tick. So, im gunna have to say its unconfirmed unless you can produce that plugin you were speaking of that allows us to reproduce it.
  22. This is for suggestions for Forge itself, not for mods. However, RP2 doesnt really have a suggestions place so i'll just stick this in general minecraft.
  23. Not all render types support custom textures as not all render codepaths give you the block. So you're gunan have to either render it yourself or use a system that supports the custom texture sheet, we have hooks for that.
  24. MCPatcher fucks things up, just get the log from your minecraft folder -.-
  25. -.- just post it, If you can't tell i tired of useless posts that tell me nothing.
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