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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. Yes, I know about that, it's... interesting, not useful as of yet. And like I said, this stuff would be done on the MCP end not ours.
  2. Untill jenkins fixes its shit, you can't
  3. That's because you're reading it wrong... chunkX and chunkZ are in chunk coordinates. getBiomeGenForCoords is in block coordinates. Try: int x = chunkX * 16; int z = chunkZ * 16; System.out.println("[" + x + "," + z+ "] " + world.getBiomeGenForCoords(x, z).biomeName + ": " + temperature);
  4. Delete all __MACOSX folders from the jar, mac is stupid and adds these in u.u
  5. The issue has to do with how your languages are setup on your computer, how or why it happens I do not know. I can use any unicode character I want in the path and things are fine, but for some people.. this.... Unable to reproduce it anywhere on my end I rely on you, a person getting the issue to see if you can track it down and find a solution. If you do please post it to the wiki
  6. You have to speak with MCP team about things related to enhancing MCP. Sadly without fixes to RetroGaurd you can't obfusicate partial things, so it would still need the entire MC/Forge source. Basically, it's a pain in the ass for the time being, so the current system work.
  7. Ya... forge isnt a mod like that.. you can't 'disable' it. This isn't gunna happen.
  8. It decompiles just fine, if it doesnt you're doig something COMPLEETLY wrong. Seriously how fucking hard, DO NOT install MCP AT ALL. Downlaod Forge Source Extract to its own folder, DO NOT HAVE MCP in the the parent folder. And run install.. Seriously, fi you touch the mcp zip you're doing it wrong.
  9. I disabled it because shit like this keeps bugging me. If you want changes, see the git hub -.-
  10. There is a user connected event for a reason. Send the client the flag to trigger the feature, works fine..
  11. Seems to be a NEI issue, possible one of your mods overwriting the class that NEI is trying to access.
  12. Use python 2.7 for one, and for 2, it seems that it doesnt like the encoding of one of your folders, place forge in a folder that doesn't have any special characters, just ascii.
  13. OFC it will only gen in the island... it doesnt replace AIR, it replace ENDSTONE, which is only in the island...
  14. Last I checked the AI did control it, it simply asked the entity which it should be. Which would be the same info you would get in this hook. As the hook would be placed in the AI
  15. That sounds like the jist of it yes.
  16. The way you execute forge on the server has nothing to do with this. And FML now includes sanity checks for IDs when you connect to servers. Typically ID conflicts cause corrupt worlds, crashes, and the sky exploding. So it tries to prevent you from doing that. However, if you try the latest versions, the ID check has been modified to be a little more lenient, so you shouldn't have issues anymore.
  17. Its not an issue... What gives you the idea that it is supposed to be a 9 in length? The recipies are just fine, you're just not understanding how crafting works, this isn't a issue. Note how in minecraft you can craft a hoe like this: This is because those spaces are not there.
  18. Interesting, I can not figure out how your mod is initalizing things differently on the client and server. I've spoken to xcomp, and he is now aware that the way he is doing things is... stupid However, on all of my local tests, I can not repeat this with the client and server having the same version of mystcraft... Either backdate, or go speak with xcomp and your server admin to figure out why this is happening...
  19. You're NOT using the latest as this has been fixed the issue is that the eclipse workspace is not being copied over. Get the Latest and it should work fine, or manually copy fml/eclipse to mcp/eclipse.
  20. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=java+random+number&l=1
  21. We know, Go bitch at jenkins to fix it: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-15704
  22. You're not using the latest forge. Else provide logs.
  23. You may wanna look at the RenderWolrdLast handler. Its been used by many mods to render overlays onto the world, and your paintball thing just sounds like a overlay on the block to me.
  24. Post full logs as this shouldnt happen if the configs are the same, however, it appers to be that the server has something that you do not that is trying to iniatalize the mystactraft items to early.
  25. If you're going that deep down, just replace the vanilla blocks. Vanilla blocks are what they are, we will change some functionality a little to play more nicely with mods, but we're not gunna change dirt to cheese. Its something you can do in your own and would be really really bad for us to do generically in forge.
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