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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. Was able to track it down, and it's fixed. Will be in the next build. 484
  2. Files is not down, the server move that you're referring to happened yesterday and finished very quickly. The servers are up, if you can not connect, do as I instructed.
  3. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=profiling+java+applications Also this user was banned for being a conspiracy theory ass wipe, I told you in the last thread that unless you provided profiling information that you would be banned. I will not allow you to start a riot with unsubstantiated claims, this causes the retarded masses to hop on the 'OMG IT SAID IT CANT KEEP UP MUST BE FORGE KILLING MY COMPUTER AND RAPING MY CAT' bandwagon. We modders profile minecraft CONSTANTLY, we have the ForgeCraft server for a reason. We are constantly on the look out for issues such as this. So ya, sticking to my promise, you did not provide profiling information, and you wen't all conspiracy theory on us so you're banned. If your friend or whoever who was also supposedly getting this issue wishes to follow the rules and provide proper profiling information, we will look at it. But we will not allow this to turn into a circus.
  4. You're passing in a invalid instance to openGui
  5. the download site can't be down, as it's a distributed system, meaning tons of servers provide the files. There are sometimes small instances where while the files propagate you get this screen but that should go away shortly. If not, clear your cache/dns cache and try again.
  6. You've screwed up installing TalesOfKingdoms, not a forge issue.
  7. No, I'm not gunna write tutorials, nore am I gunna police the tutorials. If you see a tutorial that is wrong, fix it. Not my issue to deal with.
  8. Completely delete your mcp workspace, or manually copy forge/fml/eclipse to forge/mcp/eclipse. Somehow you've screwed up the eclipse workspace.
  9. Small bug with some of the new code signing functions, has been fixed in 482
  10. Small bug with some of the new code signing functions, has been fixed in 482
  11. Whatever you did made it so that your mod doesn't reobf properly. Or you're passing out the unobfed form. MCP obfs that class back to what it should be, this isn't a forge issue. Its a distribution issue on your end.
  12. Seems straight forward to me... Please read your errors before posting.
  13. No, it would destroy all compatibility with any non-forge mod. This has been discussed many many times, this thread doesn't need to go on.
  14. Small bug with some of the new code signing functions, has been fixed in 482
  15. Small bug with some of the new code signing functions, has been fixed.
  16. User was banned for this post. Read the damn EAQs and don't be obnoxious when asking for help.
  17. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/install-windows-189425.html
  18. The download is not labeled 6.6 6.6 doesn't exist, so whatever you're downloading, its not forge. You can get 6.5 from the plethora of different download links -.-
  19. Oh my god, so many hard references to client side only classes its ridiculousness. Also, you seriously need to fix your instalation process, death on your config folder not being there, my god those 15 errors were so fucking annoying to fix 1 by one. Anyways shit like this creates a hard reference: ModLoader.openGUI(entityPlayer, new GuiInteractionVillagerAdult(this, entityPlayer)); Hard reference to GuiScreen if (hearts > 100 && !Minecraft.getMinecraft().statFileWriter.hasAchievementUnlocked(MCA.instance.achievementCharmer)) Hard reference to Minecraft {yes even when sourrounded by 'getEffectiveSide' checks {which, again, is stupid and waistful. Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.triggerAchievement(MCA.instance.achievementCharmer) Not only hard reference to Minecraft, but also to EntityClientPlayerMP as thts what 'thePlayer' is. Its ridiculousness trying to track down all the hard references. Here is a tip, go to forge/mcp/src/minecraft and re-name 'client' to '______' And then fix all the errors that are in your package.
  20. Ugh, getting tired of asking for your complete code as I said SOMEWHERE you're referring to EntityClient Zip your entire code and post it. The more code you post shows the more classes that you're not posting. See: public FamilyTree familyTree = new FamilyTree(this); public ChoreCombat combatChore = new ChoreCombat(this); public ChoreFarming farmingChore = new ChoreFarming(this); public ChoreFishing fishingChore = new ChoreFishing(this); public ChoreWoodcutting woodcuttingChore = new ChoreWoodcutting(this); public ChoreMining miningChore = new ChoreMining(this); public Inventory inventory = new Inventory(this);
  21. And the rest of your code? AE: All the classes related to your Entity. Your issue is SOMEWHERE in your creation of your entity you're referencing a client class.
  22. Just a warning for people, Forge does not add any extra stress on the game. Well, minimalistic extra functionality needed to run out hooks. However, profile data or i'm closing the thread. If you don't know how to profile it, go search google its a really simple procress. Next person to post without profile data gets banned.
  23. 1) if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.SERVER) is bad, and expensive. Use World.isRemote 2) Why did you pastebin partial classes? The error clearly states the it's on line 105 but your class only has 103
  24. acp.a isnt a fucking class its a god damn field that gets it's access level transformed by forge at load. If you install forge properly IT WILL BE TRANSFORMED. Do not make a fucking new post, just install forge properly and as I said if you're to retarded to drag and drop from one zip to another, get a launcher to do it for you.
  25. Simple, mods need to be aware that a users actions in a inventroy can cease at anytime. And they should not require the clean closure to function properly.
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