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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to own the trademark on "Minecraft Forge" due to it's use of the word "Minecraft" which is part of the reason I typically refer to it as just "Forge".

    So I can't file a trademark issue, but I have reported the site for viruses/malicious ads. I am hoping someone will contact me, but google isn't good at that part of things.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  2. Yes thats a fake site that has stolen our layout.

    Im not sure if there is anything we can do about it. Especially considering they are paying google to be on the top.

    If people know of a way to report this to google let me know. I'm trying through my contacts. But yes, ANY site besides this site ( https://files.minecraftforge.net ) that you get Forge is NOT LEGIT. And may be bundling it with malicious software. And most definitly profiteering off my work/you users.

  3. You are misunderstanding how data watchers work. It is indeed the fact that you're adding entries onto entities that are not your own.

    So, stop doing it.

    Either way this is not the place to argue this.

    On top of the main issue, you need to update the mod to 1.12.


    Oh, hell, you even necroed a old post... seriously dude...

  4. Edited the topic, the site you linked IS known as one of the sites that shove viruses on mod downloads. So you may of gotten it from there.

    But yes, as diesiben said, you should only download mods from their original sources. Typically here, or Curse Forge. Sometimes the authors direct website.

    There are many many sites out there that pray on the fact that Mod authors are typically doing this in their free time, and don't make enough off the mods to hire lawyers to shut down these bad sites.


    So ya... only get your mods from valid sites.


    As for the winrar issue, or any issue with extracted mods. Mods have not needed to be, nore supported being extracted since like 1.6.4. So no you should NEVER have to use any program to install a mod, or extract it. Just download the zip or jar {zip is deprected but some modders are slow and still use it, but most mods should be .jar} and put it in your mods folder.


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  5. We will not support a system that goes against Mojang's express wishes in regards to what you can and can not sell on Minecraft servers.

    In addition your intention to create a modified client strictly for your server is typically indicative of malicious attempts to control your users and have access to more information then you should, and also USUALLY means you're attempting to bypass Mojang's authentication systems.

    For these reasons I'm locking this thread and removing any identifiers to your website.

  6. 1) Seriously... you can copy/paste text from the console. Even fi you couldn't do that you can take screenshots of your desktop by hitting the printscreen button (prt sc). And even if you couldn't do that you could post useful picutures...

    2) Run the command without the []s, when people post things in [] it means to replace it with whatever inside it tells you to.

  7. No you're hybridizing the Forge and Mojang JSON formats.

    In the mojang version you have to specify all full variants. 

    The point of Forge's json is to build the permutations for you.

    So you can't nest them like that, you'd need:

        "variants": {
            "variant": {
                "frozen_dirt_grassy": {},
                "dia_dim_dirt": {}
            "snowy": {
                "true": {},
                "false": {}


    If you have a '=' ANYWHERE in your variant name it detects it as a normal Mojang variant and doesn't build the permutations for you.

    So ya... read the docs, and either use the Forge version, or Mojang's version. Don't mix the two.

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  8. When it comes to block states, if one variant has an extra value all others do as well.

    So you technically have a "variant=dia_dim_dirt,snowy=true" and "variant=dia_dim_dirt,snowy=false"

    You just don't do anything with them.  But your JSON model still needs to specify them.

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