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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. Only download Forge from OUR web page: http://files.minecraftforge.net/

    If you get it from our site its fine.

    Now, sadly due to how the internet works, and the fact that this is free product, we use advertisements to make our money and pay the bills.

    We try and keep all the shady 'this is a virus download our virus remover' ads away. But we can only get rid of the ones that are reported.

    If you're still worried, we provide direct downloads for Forge on our site. So you can skip the ads.


    As for downloading other mods, ONLY get them from the Minecraft Forums, Curse, or here. 90% of the results for 'minecraft mods' on google are spam/virus/crap infested sites that steal mods from us and exploit you kids. Its sick and annoying but welcome to the internet -.-

    • Like 1
  2. Forge Version: 1.12.2-

    Minecraft Version: 1.12.2



    This time again, prep work for 1.13 is still going on. A lot of behind the scenes work going on to make 1.13 feasible with all the changes Mojang is putting into it. I've been developing MCP/Forge for the snapshots for testing purposes so thats where a lot of my time is going. However we've been able to gather a few new features and bug fixes. I figure it's time to bundle them together in full release.


    Minecraft Forge 14.23.2 Changelog:



    • New event fired when Advancements are awarded.
    • Added more detains to the loading screen.
    • New registry event for Block and Item colors.
    • Fully implemented /forge track command for Entity and TileEntities.
    • New event to allow knock back control.
    • New Slime hook for pistons.
    • New context data sent to loot handlers for Advancements/Minecarts/Fishing/TileEntties.
    • New hooks related to expanding armor for horses.
    • New hook for controlling running particles for blocks.
    • Added config value to disable async chunk loading. Mainly for debug purposes.
    • New hook for customizing in-game music.
    • New event for more tooltip controls.
    • Enhanced logging during model loading.
    • New hooks for registering custom CriteriaTriggers.
    • New @Ignore annotation for the config system.


    Bug Fix:

    • Fixed more bad shapeless recipe matching.
    • Fixed issue connecting to IPv6 only servers.
    • Fixed empty ItemStack being passed to EntityItemPickupEvent.
    • Fixed some in-code documentation.
    • Fixed tooltips sometimes rendering off the edges of the screen.
    • Fixed rendering issues with FastTESR implementations.
    • Fixed sometimes being unable to extract items from double chests.
    • Fixed EntityFishHook not spawning particles in modded liquids.
    • Fixed vanilla performance bug related to double chests that are blocked.
    • Fixed vanilla powered rails not receiving power from modded powered rails.
    • Fixed Flower Pot not being able to be set on some modded solid surfaces.
    • Fixed Anvil repairing not working for some damageable items.
    • Fixed missing text on loading screen for Macs.
    • Fixed some packet memory leaks in netty code.
    • Fixed statistics for entities in some cases.
    • Fixed retexturing not working for some custom models.
    • Fixed animations on rotated blocks.
    • Fixed B3D model rendering issues.
    • Fixed some lighting issues.
    • Fixed crashing with null models not showing who caused it.
    • Fixed Beetroot crops not dropping when trampled.
    • Fixed giant jungle trees causing world generation cascading.
    • Fixed extra dimension data not being saved.
    • Fixed potential entity corruption from the dormant chunk cache.
    • Fixed error logging in some mod loading stages.
    • Fixed debug flags for ClassPatchManager not working.
    • Fixed config guis showing child categories twice.
    • Fixed modded fluids being treated as solid.
    • Fixed adding MusicType enum values not working.
    • Fixed pumpkins placement logic.
    • Fixed model UV issue exposed by Optifine.
    • Fixed animations for servers with high uptimes.
    • Thanks 1
  3. And even then, only if the changes in the coremod can not be properly exposed in a non-mod-specific way and PRed to Forge.

    99.99% of mods don't need a coremod.

    99% of coremods SHOULD be at least attempted to be put into Forge. But most people fail the basic concept of having to explain themselves.

    1% Of Coremods are actually doing something useful that is wholey specific for their mods and thus wouldn't fit in the Forge ecosystem. Those mods usually are total conversion or don';t play well in modpacks.

    • Like 1
  4. There already exists a few ways to modify the tooltips for items.

    This does not need its own event.

    You also need to stop spamming our suggestions forum with useless ill conceived requests. Think though what you want, talk it over with the people in the Modder support forum and form a cohesive argument for what you want to add.

  5. Don't be an ass. What you're asking is for us to put in hundreds of thousands of hours of work because you don't feel like updating.

    Not to mention all the future costs. Technically it's possible yes, but realistically it will never happen.

    Mods only work for the version they are built for. This is just how Minecraft works. Deal with it.


    As for your comment about '90% of the good mods' No..  'good' is subjective. There are plenty of 'good' mods on ALL MC versions.

    • Like 2
  6. You should NEVER extract jar files.

    Your screenshot shows you're looking at 'David Hernanzed's appdata folder. NOT 'capta's http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/uploads/monthly_2018_01/5a6ce731a3a48_Screenshot2018-01-2715_54_52.thumb.png.48e87934c8945d28660262d2bfd33087.png


    You need to put your mods in C:\Users\capta\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods  if you want them to be loaded.

    Also, looking at your screenshot. You're trying to run FNF Universe.. which is a 1.7.10 mod, and Star Wars which is a 1.6.4 mod... on 1.12.2... this will never work. Minecraft mods are explicitly tied to a MC version.

  7. Its not allowed because Mojang doesn't want you to do it. Its basic security procedures, stop making users enter account information into random unofficial things. "But other things do it!" is NOT a valid argument. 


    As for the Forge installer, we prefer that people do NOT make automated installers. I've said this many times, Forge is free to everyone, but it isn't free to run/develop. The ONLY way we make money is off the ads on the download pages. So we prefer users to install things themselves. We've made it so simple there really isn't any reason to do it else wise.


    So no, we're not gunna help you do something that Mojang doesn't want you to do, and does nothing but harm us.

  8. Armchair lawyering is not allowed in here. Its just one of those things that you're gunna have to trust I know what i'm talking about as i've actually had to contest something similar in court.

    At the end of the day Mojang could come along and say 'Screw everyone all these projects are now shut down'. But they don't. And this has nothing to do with the Mojang side of things. 


    But ya, to answer your question, No Bukkit/Spigot/Whatever external project will not merge with Forge.

    • Like 1
  9. They didn't find a way around it, they use the fact that Wolverness won't actually file directly against them because hes not that kind of guy. 

    But the point is, no we are not going to build Bukkit's API into Forge. Mainly because its to restrictive for modders, and it has been fairly stagnant even before the DMCA so it'd be coding things in the wrong direction.

    Beyond that, I flat out don't have the time of patience to do it myself so it'll never happen.

    We've tried pushing for people to help write an Abstraction Layer but that didn't get any support.

    So here we are, modding like we do.

    As for permissions, which really is the only thing Forge lacks that Spigot/Bukkit 'provides'. There was a discussion a while ago about doing something like this. But it never got past the definition of 'context' which is kinda important. 

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