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Forge: It's time to say...


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Just curious about something:

I know that lots of modders create .jar models for blocks and items, but since that feature is almost redundant due to the .json model feature in 1.8, do you plan on supporting this feature, or do you plan scratching it due to the fact that .json files are just assets and are used just like any other texture?

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those who know how to look into it, a dev version of FML is avalible. I have a few people looking into it and updating mappings so that modders will get some better names.

As it sits, 1.8 is still in flux. However:

Preliminary support for vanilla clients is in

FML Compiles and runs just fine

Villager registry needs to be re-worked

Network protocol needs to be re-worked to allow for more generic id registries.

ID registry needs to be re-written to support the new network stuff.



Needs updating, haven't looked at it yet. I am wanting to get the FML side of things solid before moving forward.



However, 1.8 is pretty sweet it has some really cool new features related to modeling and rendering. Combined with a major re-write of how location and metadata works.


Still working on it, just slowly. As we're still waiting on modders to update to 1.7.10 I don't think it is a big deal to take some time to do it right.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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FML for 1.8 is already out and available for use on both the modder side on user side. Once that stabilizes, I update Forge.

Simple, modders should start working on 1.8 and let me know!

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Excellent! I was looking at FML being updated (well, its obviously going to be buggy still..) and that made me wanna check in here and see how its going!


Most interestingly is the promise of 1.8's multithreading support... How well is that going to work?


The biggest strength of Bukkit's was its multithreading (in my opinion) and that's why we needed it for big servers..


In theory, a Forge server will run a ton smoother without the need for something like Bukkit / Sponge (though I still am excited for Sponge, hopefully it pans out..)


Anyways, I just wanted to put a feeler out there to the modding/dev community and see what first impressions are, if it looks like that might indeed be the case or if its a pipe-dream and servers will still need something more to make them work.


Well regardless, best of luck, when a few mods get some updates pumped out I'll be sure to test em and leave feedback!

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So far the 1.8 FML has been working pretty well, modeling is different and it is taking some time to figure out, and a few important mappings are missing (but that is an MCP thing). For the most part though, it seems pretty nice. Just looking forward to full Forge. :)

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I have spent a good amount of time looking for forge 11 for 1.8, I have even looked through every page of the files server I could find. I cannot find it. I even made an account on the forums to see if I could not see the alpha because of permission issues. I just cannot find it. I am prob going to /facepalm when its pointed out to me.

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I have spent a good amount of time looking for forge 11 for 1.8, I have even looked through every page of the files server I could find. I cannot find it. I even made an account on the forums to see if I could not see the alpha because of permission issues. I just cannot find it. I am prob going to /facepalm when its pointed out to me.

Took me a while to find too, it is at files.minecraftforge.net/fml/ not just files.minecraftforge.net

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Because FML is not registering new blocks's states to Block.BLOCK_STATE_IDS, ExtendedBlockStorage.get(int x, int y, int z) does not work, and therefor all get and set block methods fail with modded blocks.


I'll make a fork.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope it is not frowned uppon to ask this, so I'll try to be brief;


But for those of us that care, but aren't exactly the most often frequenting the community here, how are the 1.8 update going?

(Min'd I'm not going ot impatiently ask "when it is done?!!!?!" I just like to hear how things are progressing, since the thread have been silent for a long time now?


Appreciate any word or info! =)

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I hope it is not frowned uppon to ask this, so I'll try to be brief;


But for those of us that care, but aren't exactly the most often frequenting the community here, how are the 1.8 update going?

(Min'd I'm not going ot impatiently ask "when it is done?!!!?!" I just like to hear how things are progressing, since the thread have been silent for a long time now?


Appreciate any word or info! =)





Dude i completely agree but they already kinda have a fml version for 1.8 go to


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