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[1.7.10][SOLVED]Have Bock Drop Different Item Depending on Item Used to Break It

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So basically I have a block that I want to drop itself when it's broken with a certain item but drop something else when broken with anything else. My situation is having a candy cane log  to drop itself when broken with a candy cane axe. Anything else will have it drop candy canes. Thank you for any help that can be provided.


I think you can do this by overriding breakBlock (I forget if it takes a player parameter). If so, check if the player is holding your tool and spawn some item, and otherwise spawn a different item.

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I used onBlockHarvest instead as it had the EntityPlayer and this is what I came up with:


    public void onBlockHarvested(World par1World, int p_149681_2_, int p_149681_3_, int p_149681_4_, int p_149681_5_, EntityPlayer par6Player) {
    	if(par6Player.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null){
    		if(par6Player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() == WinterItems.candyCaneAxe){
    			par6Player.dropItem(Item.getItemFromBlock(WinterBlocks.candyCaneBlock), 1);
    			par6Player.dropItem(WinterItems.candyCane, 3);
    		par6Player.dropItem(WinterItems.candyCane, 3);

The only problem is that the item flies out of the player which is kind of weird. Is there another similar way that I could do this that has the item drop from the block?


You can get the item the player is holding from any method like so:

ItemStack equipped = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem();


So you could put this in breakBlock, or any of the other block destruction methods, to determine what item to drop.

I ask complicated questions, and apparently like to write really long detailed posts. But I also help others when I can.

  • 4 months later...

You can get the item the player is holding from any method like so:

ItemStack equipped = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem();


So you could put this in breakBlock, or any of the other block destruction methods, to determine what item to drop.

Bad idea. Very bad idea.


Can you explain why that's a bad idea?


That method only works in Single Player.  As soon as a server is involved (including "Open to LAN") it will crash.

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Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


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