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Official Mod API Thoughts


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So Dinnerbone is starting his work on the official API (

), what does this mean for Forge? Alot of forge modders have shown resentment over a whole new system, how do you feel? Will you keep using Forge? Fight to make the official API like Forge?
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For note, the github link is:  https://github.com/Mojang/Minecraft-API


For Forge, it means nothing yet.  Forge will fill in the gaps where the API is missing, and right now it is missing *everything*, it has a *long*long* way to go.


Workbench, really? Why not Hammer? We have the Anvil save format, we have the community ran Forge API, but we need a hammer before we can make Sword, whatever that will be.


On topic, I don't think Moj--


*looks at the current version of the modding API*




They're gonna think of everything! :D

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It will have ponies, and monkies, and sparkeling dragons who will fly out of my ears!

So.. go speculate on that...

It means nothing for the next 6+months.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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It will have ponies, and monkies, and sparkeling dragons who will fly out of my ears!

So.. go speculate on that...

It means nothing for the next 6+months.


I was kinda being sarcastic, so we'll see.


And while I would love to go help spread conspiracy theories about the upcoming Modding API, I don't have a Reddit account.

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Long time lurker, first time creating account and all that jazz. So, hi all. lol.


My thoughts though, is that Mojang shouldn't do anything like Forge nor absorb Forge. They should allow total compatibility with any community run API. As much as it seems like a good idea, I can see the flip side, the bad side. Mojang would have to dedicate a lot of time and resources daily to make sure new hooks get added, plus support for adding hooks, and all that. While that seems attractive to some, think about the nightmare that it would cause. Mojang has a habit of starting things, and then finishing them later on, several releases later in some cases. We all know them, so no use listing them out. Kinda redundant. Personally, I hope all the API does, is allow mods to be loaded in game, per world, that kinda thing. And they can finally fix their 4096 block ids that they half finished.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well this is great. I only just started modding with forge, it will take ages for the flames in the forge to die down, *Ba-doom tsh* before anyone will be able to write a detailed tutorial for noobs like me, and then this new modding API will be round the corner, and I'll have to learn a whole new system!  :'(

The above views are my own. You can agree, and be correct, or disagree with them, I don't mind.


P.S: you'll be wrong if you do :)

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the official modding API will unfortunately be 'better' then forge simply because of one reason:

its will be a native part of minecraft


right now, a lot of mods and even forge need to use tricks to make it possible to do cirtain things without having to rewrite the whole game

the modding API wont have that issue because it will be hard-coded into the game before its even released!


personally, i think they should take the forge interface as the one available to modders, but create their own back-end coding that fits better into MC itself without having to use 'cheat' coding to work properly

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really really dude

That's like saying that the president is having sex with the doctor because he said bow ties are cool.

No, come back to me when someone has stated '1.4 will be release on Halloween'

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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